Expanding network for Coordinated and Comprehensive Actions on HIV/AIDS Prevention among IDUs and Bridging Population Klaipeda/Lithuania October 18, 2007
ENCAP / October 2007 To prevent the transmission of HIV and other infections among IDUs and bridging population in the project area. To develop and strengthen the specially targeted networking for HIV/AIDS prevention among IDUs and bridging population in the project area. Project aim
ENCAP / October 2007 Work packages
ENCAP / October 2007 PCU/ LT Coordinator- Saulius Caplinskas Coordinator assistant- Rima Krupenkaite Accountant – Jolanta Moro PCU/ EE Coordinator – Relika Saak Coordinator assistant – Merili Sau Accountant - PCU/ LV Coordinator- Egija Lapina Coordinator assistant – Asnate Freimane PMU/ LV Project manager – Ilze Bumbiere Project coordinator –Inga Upmace Financial manager.- Velga Dislere Accountant- Ilona Bērza- Šulte Secretary – Linda Rasenbauma
ENCAP / October 2007 Transnational network group – 28 members – group content is constantly changing thus threatening the achievements Steering committee – 12 members – group set up Coordination group – 9 members - EE should reconsider its appointments Working bodies
ENCAP / October 2007 Work package n° 1: Coordination of the project Milestones Month 1 Established coordination structure of the project – implemented in month 4 Month 1 Project coordination structure agreed upon and signed agreements with project partners- implemented by month 6 Month 12 1st annual assessment and experience sharing seminar – implemented in month 6 Month 24 2nd annual assessment and experience sharing seminar Month 24 2nd annual assessment and experience sharing seminar Month 34 Final international best practice seminar organized Month 34 Final international best practice seminar organized
ENCAP / October 2007 Month 2 Organized project launching dissemination – implemented in month 5 Month 13 Organized 1st project interim dissemination Month 25 Organized 2nd project interim dissemination Month 34 LTC-net best practice dissemination Month 36 Organized project final dissemination Month 36 Disseminated final results to public health professional Work package n° 2: Dissemination of the results Milestones
ENCAP / October 2007 Work package n° 2: Dissemination of the results Deliverables Month 25 D 18 – Articles & press releases in newspapers, 2 press conferences on project progress - 1 press conference held at launching meeting Press conferences on national level related to activities Press conferences on national level related to activities Month 19 D 19 – Filmed TV spot as part of dissemination – PR group agreed to create film for decision makers and film material is ready
ENCAP / October 2007 Month 13 Written 1st Interim Report- implemented and submitted by month 13 Month 13 Written 1st Interim Report- implemented and submitted by month 13 Month 25 Written 2nd Interim Report Month 25 Written 2nd Interim Report Month 34 External evaluation accomplished Month 34 External evaluation accomplished Month 36 Evaluated feedback from LTC-Net clients Month 36 Evaluated feedback from LTC-Net clients Month 36 Written Final Report Month 36 Written Final Report Work package n° 3: Evaluation of the project Milestones
ENCAP / October 2007 Work package n° 3: Evaluation of the project Deliverables Months 13 and 25 D 20 – 2 Interim reports - implemented and submitted by month 13 Month 36 D 20 – Final report
ENCAP / October 2007 Month 3 Organized launching meeting –was together with project launching on month 5 Month 4 Developed network cooperation principles – developed by month 10 Month 8 Developed online platform (website) for network use- implemented by month Month 17 Developed and agreed Common Surveillance Indicators- developed by month 10 and approved by month 14 Month 31 1st surveillance data report. Work package n° 4: Transnational network Milestones
ENCAP / October 2007 Month 4 D1 agreement on further network cooperation approach during and after the project - developed by month 10 and approved by month 14 Month 8 D2 online platform for use of transnational network actors – implemented by month Month 3 D3 agreement on development of LTC-Net in Baltic States - we are late with this Month 31 D5 feedback on 1st comparative surveillance record report using Common Unified Indicators Work package n° 4: Transnational Network Deliverables
ENCAP / October 2007 Month 3 Established working group – done by month 6 Month 5 Developed and approved research methodology and tools- methodology developed by month 8, research started by month 11 Month 14 Base study performed – base study report ready by month15 Month 15 Published base study paper – will be published by month 17 Month 33 Two annual comparative studies implemented Work package n° 5: ResearchMilestones
ENCAP / October 2007 Month 11 – D6 base-study paper of current LTC situation - base study report ready by month15 and will be published by month 17 Month 15 – D7 final research paper and publication on research Work package n° 5: ResearchDeliverables
ENCAP / October 2007 Month 11 Pre-study of existing situation of LTC service provision - base study report ready by month15 and will be published by month 17 Month 13 Developed unified LTC service standard – we are late with this, linked to research results Month 14 Start of the pilot of enhanced LTC-Net services - we are late with this, linked to research results Month 23 Written Handbook Month 36 Gathered feedback from LTC-Net clients Work package n° 6: LTC – Net Milestones
ENCAP / October 2007 Month 31 – D5 1st comparative surveillance record report using common unified indicators Month 13 – D8 Unified service standard in written format for LTC-Net units - we are late with this, linked to research results Month 23 - D9 Handbook on LTC operations Work package n° 6: LTC - Net Deliverables
ENCAP / October 2007 Month 14 First training of LTC-Net personnel – implemented by month 13 Month 19 Second training of LTC-Net personnel Month 24 Third training of LTC-Net personnel Month 27 Study tour – experience exchange of LTC- Net personnel Month 28 Study tour to Finland of Baltic local municipalities- will be performed by month 9 Work package n° 7: TrainingMilestones
ENCAP / October 2007 Month 14, 19, 24, 27 – D trainings and study tour to Finland for LTC-Net personnel - 1st training implemented by month 13 Month 14 – D11 -training on software for data collection in LTC-Units which is essential for applying Common Unified Indicators and – 1st training implemented by month 13 Month 31 – D5 creating 1st common surveillance record report in Baltic States Work package n° 7: TrainingDeliverables
ENCAP / October 2007 Month 8 Developed overall PR strategy – implemented by month 10 Month 10 Developed LTC-Net Logo – implemented by month 10 Month 11 Developed information strategy for LTC-Net – implemented by month 12 Month 12 Held all awareness raising panel discussions with local stakeholders – we are late with this as was decided to schedule them when the film is ready Month 24 Created and disseminated video film on LTCs. Month 26 Developed information materials for LTC-Net clients Work package n° 8: Public relations Milestones
ENCAP / October 2007 Month 8 – D 12 -PR strategy paper- implemented by month 10 Month 11 – D13 -LTC-Net information strategy paper - implemented by month 10 Month 25 – D14 - awareness raising campaign action plan for local stakeholders Month 26 – D 15 - information materials for LTC-Net clients Month 10, 24 – D 16 - logo and informative video film on LTC- Net in all Baltic States – logo developed by month 10, film material ready by month 15 Month 15 – D7 - study tour to Finland for local municipalities - implemented by month 9 Work package n° 8: Public relations Deliverables
ENCAP / October 2007 Future
Thank you for the work and attention