Lake Pointe Elementary 3rd Grade Curriculum Night
Graded Work and Corrections Graded work will be sent home. Please review this work with your child. Daily work(Formative) is counted as 40% of the averaged grade. Daily work that is below a 70, will be retaught at school and may be sent home for corrections. The original grade and the retaught grade will be averaged together. Test Grades (Summative) are counted as 60% of the averaged grade. Test work that is below a 70 will be retaught by the classroom teacher and reassessed. The higher of the two grades will be taken.
Report Cards and Progress Reports Report Cards are sent home at the end of each nine weeks. Progress Reports go home the 3 rd and 6 th week. Report Cards and Progress Reports must be signed and returned.
Curriculum Math Multiplication (1-12) Regrouping / Borrowing Division Rigorous Word Problems Fractions Graphs and tables Measurement Time Money Geometry Reading and Language Arts (ELR) Parts of speech prefix / suffix Complete sentences Fluency Comprehension Grade-level sight words Reading Skills: inferencing, sequencing, summarizing, compare/contrast, cause / effect, fact/opinion, context clues, etc. Reading for extended periods of time Genres Science matter / energy, force / motion, magnetism, physical changes, natural resources, rainforest biome
A Closer Look at STAAR Math: format for 3 rd grade, Will cover our TEKS. They will be tested on multi-stepped word problems. Reading: Multiple passages and answers. The test will cover our TEKS. Your child will take 2 STARR tests this year. Math April 22 Reading April 23
How can you help your child at home? Healthy breakfast! Check your child’s folder every night for homework, behavior, and notes from school. Stay in contact with the teacher! We want to hear about how well your child is doing and any concerns you might have. Read to and with your child – ANYTHING they are interested in! Work on Istation and Think Through Math. Ask your child what they did in school that day. Establish a reasonable bed time.