Parents in the Picture
Meet the 3 rd grade team… Miss Childress Mrs. Reynolds Mrs. Shadowen
Monday nights are very important! Please review and remove the contents inside the folder. Sign and return this folder and all necessary papers on Tuesday morning.
Agenda Books Every student should have ordered an agenda book. If you do not have one, your child may purchase one in the office. ($5.00) Students are responsible for writing homework assignments in agenda books. This needs to be signed every night and returned to school. This will help parents be more aware of assignments and tests!
Grades Parents can access student grades on Burns’ homepage once they get their student’s access number from the office. We will try to update the grades as much as possible to give you an accurate average. Third grade uses the following grading scale: : A 85-93: B 73-84: C 65-72: D 0-64: U
Homework Policy Homework is an important part of continuing your child’s education. It is intended to provide additional practice for concepts learned in class. It is expected that homework will be returned on the date due, unless excused by a family emergency or sickness. Work must be made up in free time until it is complete.
…Reading...Reading…Reading… Reading is very important in your child’s academic success. Throughout the year we will read many AR chapter books and then your child may test and receive AR points.. Please encourage your child to read on a daily basis. Some students already have 5 points or more! Students who get 2 points by Friday can eat in the classroom. Students who meet their quarterly goal (18 points) will attend an AR party.(Movie, popcorn, & drink)
Red Cards Red cards are given –Responsibilities –Off task –Talking –Hallway behavior –Disrespect Discipline folders will be sent home every Friday. Parents are required to sign them and send them back on Monday. Students who receive 7 or more red cards in a 3 week period we be required to stay after school detention. This is a part of the BES discipline policy.
Transportation If the transportation for your child has changed, please send a note or call the school. Students will continue their normal transportation unless otherwise informed.
Upcoming events.. 1.MAP Testing 2.Fundraiser ends Sept. 7th 3.Grandparents Day Sept. 16th 4.See you at the pole(students must attend with a parent) Sept st nine weeks ends Oct. 8th Fall Break: Oct. 11 th -15th
Parent Teacher Conferences Sept. 30 th, Oct. 2, 7, and 9 th. Tuesdays and Thursdays Please sign up before you leave today. At this meeting we will discuss progress reports, MAP scores, and other information pertaining to your child.
BES Webpage There is a lot of valuable information on our webpage… Lunch menu Upcoming activities Important information