LYNNWOOD H.S. Senior Project 2013
Introduction Senior Project Coordinator- Mrs. Malowney/Mrs. Armstrong Required for graduation All full-time LHS students must complete in English 12 to graduate (except AP). See counselor if you are Running Start. If you are in English 12 (except AP) you will be doing the LHS Senior Project. Purpose Demonstration of your learning Chance to extend or enrich learning Step toward being a lifelong learner Excellent preparation for workplace
The 5 Phases of Senior Project Approval(mid-May 2012—end of first semester 2012) Research and applied learning (approval-presentation) Portfolio (mid-April 2013) Presentation (April, 2013) Reflective essay (May, 2013)
Approval Must receive approval to count hours/work over summer. To get approved, turn in the following: Senior Project Approval Contract signed by teacher, parent and you Senior Project Approval Contract Proposed timeline of work to be completed—see timeline template and guidelines Turn in to SE 223 or Mrs. Malowney’s mailbox by due date listed on Approval Contract and digital copy of Approval Contract to Digital Approval Contract available on SP SWIFT site.
Senior Project Approval Contract Fill out completely Obtain all signatures Do not staple, doodle or punch holes in any SP forms Turn in WITH completed timeline and digital form Allow two days for grading Papers returned via English teacher Incomplete or incorrectly completed forms will not be accepted and will be returned without grading.
Timeline See timeline template and timeline guidelinestimeline template guidelines Must be in proper format per guidelines Download template from SP SWIFT site Turn in WITH SP Approval Contract Do not staple or punch holes. Turn in together in a folder or paper clipped. Allow two days for grading turnaround. All items will be kept together through the revision process.
Summer Approval Summer Work: Might include volunteering, lessons, internships, job shadows, interviews, etc. Keep track of hours Keep track of sources used Take pictures and video of all parts of the process Complete as many hands on hours as possible
Research and Applied Learning Complete work outlined in the guidelines and your proposal/introduction Complete at least 60 hours of work, 40 hours of which will be hands-on (volunteering, making a product, interning, lessons, etc.) Complete and fill in Mentor Documentation Form as you go. Research paper: Will be completed in English 12 next fall. If you want to work on it over summer, get topic approved by end of this school year. (Malowney or Eng 12 teacher) Keep track of resources used for bibliography Prepare your portfolio using the Senior Project Guidelines I will visit Senior classes in the fall with more info.
Portfolio Follows Senior Project Guidelines Must be turned in to English 12 teacher for portfolio checks throughout first semester (significant part of Eng 12 grade!!!) Completed second week of April Reviewed and signed of by Eng 12 teacher and panel of judges. Required for all projects Must meet standard (must be revised until it does) Must be revised one week prior to presenting to be allowed to present.
Contacting Mrs. Malowney SE 223 X5236 Friend Lhs Seniorproject on Facebook Senior Project SWIFT site Access through LHS website Find Malowney under staff link and click on Senior Project SWIFT site
Presentation Must be at least minutes in length Must follow provided format and include all items in the presentation outline you will be given Judged by a panel of teachers/community members with knowledge of your field You will also be asked questions at the end and must answer knowledgably. Must receive standard from all judges to pass and graduate. Will be scheduled for teacher work day in mid-April or early May. You will have the opportunity to present early in January.
Reflective Essay After successful completion of presentation Must meet standards for reflective writing Must have a formal introduction, body and conclusion Must be typed and free of errors Should reflect on the process of completing your project and what you learned. Due April 2013
Yearbook Senior Head shots All senior head shots for the LHS yearbook will be taken by Yuen Lui. Class of 2013 students will need to visit a Yuen Lui studio by September 30 to receive their FREE head shot. 12 convenient locations in DowntownSeattle, Roosevelt-Seattle, Bellevue, Redmond, Everett, Lynnwood, Kent, Tacoma, Portland, Beaverton, Clackamas, and Costa Mesa-Orange County. See Yuen Lui table tonight for more information. Photos from other photographers may not be submitted for the senior section but may be included as part of a dedication ad. See ASB office for order form in the fall. No purchase is necessary but packages are available from Yuen Lui as well. Indoor and outdoor options are available for the yearbook head shot. Letters will go home early June.
Yearbook Premiere June 1, 4 th period in Aux. Gym Pay off yearbook deposits by May 24 or lose deposit and book sold to someone else on waiting list Get on waiting list if you didn’t pre-order a book. No extras and cannot order more. Premiere will have lots of prizes, food to purchase, and you can pick up your book early. Tickets are $2 w/ASB in ASB office and $3 w/out if you get them ahead of time. They are $3 at the door June 1.