Nuclear Medical and Imaging Sciences Technical Committee Report to NPSS AdCom Suleman Surti November 02, 2013
2013 NMISC Election results and sub- committee chairs (1) We had eight candidates for 5 seats on NMISC and the new members are: David Brasse– University of Strasbourg, France Anna Celler– University of British Columbia, Canada Katia Parodi– University of Munich, Germany Dennis Schaart– Delft University of Technology, Netherlands Stefaan Vandenberghe– University of Gent, Belgium Their terms will go from 1 January 2014 until 31 December 2016.
2013 NMISC Election results and sub- committee chairs (2) We had two candidates for the NMISC Vice-Chair Paul Marsden– Kings College London Vice Chair Jan 01, 2014 – Dec 31, 2015 Chair Jan 01, 2016 – Dec 31, 2017 In addition, Andrew Goertzen took over as the Secretary and Chair of Nominations Sub-Committee in 2013 summer and will continue in this position for 2014 New Chair of Awards/Fellows Sub-committee for 2014 New Chair of Communications (Web) Sub-committee for 2014
General NMISC issues (1) Within RISC and NMISC there has beem an ongoing effort to re-organize the Joint Oversight Subcommittee (JOS) responsible for NSS/MIC site selection Elected Vice-chair who becomes chair after 2 years Post of most recent past chair has been created 4 elected members (2 each from NMISC and RISC) + 2 appointed by JOS chair NMISC and RISC chair
General NMISC issues (2) C&BL Section 3.5 revised and approved by NMISC. Motion for AdCom Approval of this change later. General agreement within NMISC and RISC joint sub- committee to have sub-program chairs and topic convener to look into the quality of submission to NSS MIC. NMISC Motion to Technically co-sponsor PET-MR/SPECT-MR (PSMR) meeting. Voting will take place in the next few weeks and subsequent submission to AdCom.
Medical Imaging Conference status and plans (1) 2013, Seoul: 691 abstracts submitted 92% acceptance rate 497 poster presentations over 3 parallel poster sessions 136 oral presentations –5 parallel and 4 single sessions –2 joint sessions (MIC/RTSD and NSS/MIC) –1 triple-joint session (NSS/MIC/RTSD)
Medical Imaging Conference status and plans (2) 2013, Seoul (cont.): 7 Short course (NSS + MIC) 5 morning refresher courses (MIC only) –Fundamentals and Recent Advances of X-ray Computed Tomography –Fundamentals and Recent Advances of MRI –Basics of Scintillation and Solid-state Detectors –Workshop for New Authors and Referees: A Guide to Best Practices in Writing and Reviewing Scientific Papers –Fundamentals of Statistical Imaging Reconstruction Two plenary sessions Invited speakers: –Dr. J. Jo (Samsung Electronics, Suwon, Korea): “See the Future of Medical Imaging through Consumer Electronics and Information Technologies ” –Dr. M. G. Pomper (Johns Hopkins Medical Institution, Baltimore, MD, USA): titled “Forays into Molecular Imaging ”
Medical Imaging Conference status and plans (3) 2013, Seoul (cont.): Awards Hoffman Medical Imaging Scientist Award Jeffrey Fessler, Professor, University of Michigan, Ann Arbore “For contributions to the theory and application of statistical image reconstruction methods in nuclear medicine, X-ray CT, and magnetic resonance imaging” Hasegawa Young Investigator Medical Imaging Scientist Award Martin Judenhofer, Res. Scientist, University of California, Davis “For contributions small-animal imaging instrumentation and the development of pre-clinical simultaneous PET/MRI scanners”
Medical Imaging Conference status and plans (4) 2014, Seattle, WA: Tony Lavietes is General Chair; Georges El Fakhri will be the MIC Program Chair. 2015: Vesna Sossi is General Chair; Adam Alessio will be the MIC Program Chair. 2016, Strasbourg, France: Maxim Titov will be General Chair 2017, North America: Chattanooga, Atlanta, Ottawa 2018: Proposals from Australia and Japan