Victoria University Chapter
Society for Conservation Biology -International professional organization dedicated to promoting the scientific study of the phenomena that affect the maintenance, loss, and restoration of biological diversity -Regional sections, local chapters -Networking, conferences -
Victoria University Chapter -First chapter in Oceania -Started in members -What do we do? -Chapter projects -Policy -Networking, social events -Conferences
Kumutoto Restoration Site -Area of council land adjacent to uni campus -Long term restoration plan -M.O.U with city council -Planting, weeding, monitoring -Fieldtrips
Kumutoto Restoration Site
Places for Penguins -In partnership with Forest & Bird -Monitoring little blue penguin nestboxes in Island Bay -Predator trapping will start soon!
Conservation Policy -Submission writing workshops, speakers from NGOs -Maui Dolphin, Denniston Plateau, Long-fin eels -Coming up: NZ Shark Alliance film and presentation
Other Projects -Marine Projects -Experiencing Marine Reserves -Bird rehabilitation -Links with conservation biologists and students in developing countries -Always looking for more projects….!
Conferences -Oceania SCB conference in Darwin, Sept conference: Baltimore, Maryland in July -Chapter contingent -Chapter funding -Workshop for chapters -Fundraising
Networking, fieldtrips.. -A great way to meet other students/professionals interested in conservation -Research and voluntary opportunities -Events – restoration day, films, conferences, fieldtrips
How do I get involved??? -Facebook: Society for Conservation Biology – Victoria University of Wellington -Website: -Mailing list -Monthly meetings -Membership fee: $10 -International society -
Coming up -Next meeting: 8 April 6pm -NZ Shark Alliance film & presentation -AGM -We need new officers for 2013! -Project committees -Fundraising -Policy committee