C HANGING A CCOUNTABILITY S YSTEM Multiple Measures Student achievement Student growth Closing achievement gaps Attendance/graduation rates ACT participation and performance Testing, absenteeism and dropout rates Single year to three years “NAEPized” cut scores Annual Measurable Objectives (AMOs) 2
NAEP IZED C UT S CORES WKCE Reading Scale Score by Grade Performance Level Advanced Proficient Basic Minimal Performance READING Minimal PerformanceBasicProficientAdvanced Third Grade Fourth Grade Fifth Grade Sixth Grade Seventh Grade Eighth Grade Tenth Grade New Old 3
NAEP IZED C UT S CORES DPI resources: - explanation of the new cut scores one page overview of increased expectations DPI sample letter to parents noting increased expectations and changing cut-scores Time to discuss strategies (~5 min) 4
A NNUAL M EASURABLE O BJECTIVES (AMO S ) No more AYP targets – now considering AMOs Refer to: 5
A NNUAL M EASURABLE O BJECTIVES AMOs for graduation rates – goal of 85% Title I Priority and Focus Schools – exit criteria Title I Priority – lowest achievement, required reforms Title I Focus – low subgroups, reform choices District AMOs At least one level (HS, MS, ES) “meets expectations” No schools in “fails to meet expectations” District Report Cards next year 6
Components: 1. Accountability Determination 2. Priority Areas 3. Student Engagement Indicators 4. School Information 5. WSAS Percent Proficient and Advanced 8
Components: 1. Accountability Determination 2. Priority Areas 3. Student Engagement Indicators 4. School Information 5. WSAS Percent Proficient and Advanced 9
Components: 1. Accountability Determination 2. Priority Areas 3. Student Engagement Indicators 4. School Information 5. WSAS Percent Proficient and Advanced 10
Components: 1. Accountability Determination 2. Priority Areas 3. Student Engagement Indicators 4. School Information 5. WSAS Percent Proficient and Advanced 11
Components: 1. Accountability Determination 2. Priority Areas 3. Student Engagement Indicators 4. School Information 5. WSAS Percent Proficient and Advanced 12
Components: 1. Accountability Determination 2. Priority Areas 3. Student Engagement Indicators 4. School Information 5. WSAS Percent Proficient and Advanced 13
Q UICK B REAK + D ISCUSSION With your group discuss your questions about the Report Cards. Look over the sample Report Card you picked up – ES, MS or HS. 14
F OUR P RIORITY A REAS Student Achievement Student Growth Closing Gaps On-Track and Postsecondary Readiness 15
S TUDENT A CHIEVEMENT 16 See the Technical Report Card p. 2 – handout 1)Multiply # of students by multiplier 2)Divide by average attendance 3)Weight each year 4)Scale of 50
S TUDENT G ROWTH 17 See the Technical Report Card p. 4 – handout 1)Points for growth trajectory 2)Points off for decline trajectory 3)Complex calculations (“black box”) 4)Scale of 50
C LOSING G APS 18 See the Technical Report Card p. 6 (or 7) 1)Find the change in subgroups scores 2)Divide by 50, find average change 3)Penalty if comparison group declines 4)Scale of 50
C LOSING G APS – G RADUATION (HS) 19 o Same procedure – using graduation rates o Worth 50 points, achievement worth 25 each
O N -T RACK AND P OSTSECONDARY R EADINESS 20 See the Technical Report Card p. 8 Combine: Graduation or attendance rate 3 rd grade reading/8 th grade math ACT participation/performance
S TUDENT ENGAGEMENT I NDICATORS ( P. 10) Test Participation – 95% or higher Absenteeism – no more than 13% Dropouts – no more than 6 % - 5 points each 21
E LEMENTARY AND M IDDLE S CHOOL R EPORT C ARD The four priority areas average to accountability determination as follows: Student Achievement- 25% Student Growth- 25% Closing Gaps- 25% On track indicators: Elementary 20% attendance 5% 3 rd grade WKCE Reading Scores Middle 20% attendance 5% 8 th grade WKCE Mathematics Scores 22
T HE H IGH S CHOOL R EPORT C ARD Has only three priority areas to average to accountability determination: Student Achievement: 37.5% Student Growth 0% Closing Gaps: 37.5% On Track/ Post Secondary Readiness: 25% 20% is the graduation rate 5% ACT Participation and Performance 23
O UTCOMES Schools provided with information on strengths and weaknesses Targeted support from DPI and partners to improve school performance Rewards and recognition for high performing schools 24
B UILDING S HARED U NDERSTANDING Group Discussion: How will you roll out the Report Card to your staff? To your community? Who are your key stakeholders? What will you communicate? How will you communicate? 25
L ET U S K NOW H OW W E C AN H ELP Sept 18 th and Oct 3 rd – more in depth trainings here on the Report Card and communication strategies. Questions? Kevin Anderson – Nicole Barlass – 26