WARM UP: What does PROGRESSIVE mean? The Progressive Era WARM UP: What does PROGRESSIVE mean?
Progressive: 1. Moving forward; advancing. 2. Proceeding in steps; continuing steadily by increments: progressive change. 3. Promoting or favoring progress toward better conditions or new policies, ideas, or methods: a progressive politician; progressive business leadership.
Reconstruction through the early twentieth century was a time of contradictions for many Americans. Agricultural expansion was accomplished through wars against the Plains Indians, leading to new federal Indian policies. Industrial development brought great fortunes to a few and raised the standard of living for millions of Americans, but also brought about the rise of national labor unions and clashes between industry and labor. Social problems in rural and urban settings gave rise to third-party movements and the beginning of the Progressive Movement.
Ida B. Wells led an anti-lynching crusade and called on the federal government to take action.
Booker T. Washington believed the way to equality was through vocational education and economic success; he accepted social separation
W.E.B. Du Bois believed that education was meaningless without equality. He supported political equality for African Americans by helping to form the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP).
Defining Progressive: The Progressive Era was characterized by using the government to reform problems.
What changed during the Progressive Era? control of the government by the people economic opportunities through government regulation elimination of social injustices control of abuses by big business
Working Conditions dangerous environments child labor long hours, low wages, no job security, no benefits employment of women company towns
Warm Up: How did the excesses of the “Gilded Age” contribute to the development of the Progressive Movement?
Causes of the Progressive Movement Excesses of the Gilded Age − Income disparity ??? − Age of the robber barons
Goals of the Progressive Movement Government controlled by people Guaranteed economic opportunities through government regulation Elimination of social injustices
Coal Mines, Company Stores, Strikes, etc… Read your section, pick out major ideas. 10 min Discuss with your group so everyone sees the overall goal of the article 10 min Discuss with others that have the same # 10 min Create a paragraph summary within your group that best explains your article 10 min Choose someone to present your topic to the class
Warm Up: Imagine you live in a society where a few people control EVERYTHING. Now, it is time to change that system. Think of some ways that you could better organize your society so that everyone has a more equal “voice” in your community. Draw a diagram that illustrates your new system.
Progressive Accomplishments Government In local government: New forms meet needs of urban society (example: commission and council manager)
Progressive Accomplishments Government In state government: Referendum: direct vote Initiative: petitions can force an issue to be voted on Recall: removing an elected person from office
Progressive Accomplishments Government In Elections: Primary elections Direct election of U.S. Senators (17th Amendment) Secret ballot
Progressive Accomplishments: In child labor: Muckraking literature describing abuses of child labor Child labor laws
Warm Up: Do you think the United States should be involved in the business of other countries? Economically? Politically? Militarily?
Review from last time Strikes People Organizations Results
Anti-Trust Laws Sherman Anti-Trust Act—Prevents any business structure that “restrains trade” (monopolies) Clayton Anti-Trust Act—Expands Sherman Anti-Trust Act; outlaws price-fixing; exempts unions from Sherman Act
Womens’ Suffrage Was a forerunner of modern protest movement Benefited from strong leadership (Susan B. Anthony) Encouraged women to enter the labor force during WW1 Resulted in 19th Amendment to the Constitution
Spanish American War http://www.loc.gov/rr/hispanic/1898/intro.html
WARM UP What do you think is the best way that we can ensure Iraq’s success in world economics?
Expanding US Economics Open Door Policy—Secretary of State John Hay proposed a policy that would give all nations equal trading rights in China.
Expanding US Economics Dollar diplomacy—President Taft urged American banks and businesses to invest in Latin America. He promised that the United States would step in if unrest threatened their investments
Spanish American War Puerto Rico was annexed by the United States. The United States gave themselves the right to intervene in Cuban affairs.
Panama Canal United States encouraged Panama’s independence from Colombia. Parties negotiated a treaty to build the canal.
(more) Destruction of Foreign Cultures Hawaii - U.S. efforts to depose Hawaii’s monarchy; U.S. annexation of Hawaii Philippines - Annexed after Spanish American War Open Door Policy - Urged all foreigners in China to obey Chinese law, observe fair competition
-Quiz Next Class-
Political Cartoon Questions Which nations are represented? How is each nation portrayed? What symbols are used to show positive and negative traits? How does the quote at the bottom relate to the drawing? What is the overall message of the cartoon?