Progressive Era
Reform Movements Populists Farmers Rural Problems Progressives Middle Class Urban Problems Progressives Increase Democracy End Corruption Help Working Class
Progressives: Reformers who attempted to rectify the problems caused by the Industrial Revolution & Big Government Muckrakers: writers exposed problems of society
Goals of Progressives make government more responsive & responsible limit power of party bosses & political machines increased participation by responsible citizens end laissez-faire trust-busting women’s suffrage conservationism
Women Leaders Women’s Rights: Alice Paul Urban: Jane Addams Prohibition: Carrie Nation
Civil Rights Racial Equality: Booker T. Washington & W.E.B. DuBois Anti-Lynching League:Ida B. Wells Barnett
Reforming State & City Government direct primary system initiative & referendum recall elections tax reform City Commissions Election of Officials fight city bosses & machines
Muckrakers: writers exposed problems of society Upton Sinclair, The Jungle Lincoln Steffens, The Shame of the Cities Ida Tarbell, History of Standard Oil Jacob Riis, How the Other Half Lives William R. Hearst, publisher
Teddy Roosevelt trust-buster supporter of Labor Anthracite Coal Strike Civil Rights Conservation Movement
William Howard Taft Ballinger-Pinchot Controversy on conservation T.R. challenged Taft Progressive (Bull Moose Party) Election 1912
Woodrow Wilson Southern Scholar Federal Reserve Act Clayton Anti-Trust Act Keating-Owen Act Women’s Suffrage controversy