Reading ≠ Studying Study Smarter, not Harder The Goode-Pasfield Center for Learning & Teaching Presented by: Barbara Awbrey, M.A. Ed.


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Presentation transcript:

Reading ≠ Studying Study Smarter, not Harder The Goode-Pasfield Center for Learning & Teaching Presented by: Barbara Awbrey, M.A. Ed.

Your Brain Can Read This: It dseno’t mtaetr in what oerdr the letteres in a word aer, the olny iproamtnt tihng is that the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can still raed it whotuit a pboerlm. This is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the word as a wlohe. 2

What Does That Mean to Me?  Am I reading or getting the details?  Am I reading for specific meaning?  Am I getting the meaning of each word?  Will I know how to spell the new words?  Am I memorizing anything?  Am I studying “to the test”?  Is reading even important? 3

What Does That Mean to Me?  Am I reading or getting the details? No, I’m getting the overall picture.  Am I reading for specific meaning? No, I’m getting mostly general information  Am I getting the meaning of each word? No  Will I know how to spell the new words? No  Am I memorizing anything? Probably only about 15%  Am I studying “to the test”? No  Is reading important? YES! 4

Have You Ever? Read a passage over and over in a “trance”? Read your chapters many times and still failed? Read to the bottom of the page and not retained anything? Read your notes over and over and still failed? Highlighted words or phrases that didn’t help on a test? 5

These techniques are not studying! Why do you think that is true? 6

BECAUSE…….. You are getting the general idea, but not the details; You are not consciously memorizing details; You are not spending time on the meaning of new words; You are not learning to spell new words; You are not concentrating on what will be on the test; You are not testing yourself

So What Are the Secrets? How Do You Read With the Test in Mind? 8

Technique #1 Read as much as you can digest for the kind of material you are reading and the amount of concentration you are experiencing: A paragraph ½ a page A page Do not try to keep reading past your “saturation point.” 9

Technique #2 1) Underline important points, but also write them or make notes in the margin. 2)Try to pick out things that have to be memorized. 3)Work with a paragraph or two at a time. 4)Writing is a key element! 10


Technique #3 Cover up the material you have written in the margin and test yourself. See if you can reproduce it on a scrap sheet of paper from memory. 12

Technique #4 Use the material in the margin to make flash cards. Write down on a scrap sheet of paper what you think is on the back of the card and grade yourself. Depth Perception 1.Retinal disparity 2.Motion 3.Sound 13

Technique #5 Make up mnemonic devices (memory tricks) to help you remember the material: 14

The Point to Studying is:  Be an active learner  Read  Write!!!  Memorize  Test yourself 15

T h e E n d Study Smarter!!!