2 nd Quarter Curriculum Night Ms. LaQuetta Best Mrs. Megan Callaghan Mrs. Colleen Burnett
Welcome! This year is going by rapidly, we are into the 2 nd quarter…where does time go?!?! Report Cards will go home on Tuesday November 12, 2013 There will be NO School on Monday in honor of Veterans Day!!
Housekeeping Ward Elementary collects the following items: Cleaned drink cans (any) Coke Caps Box tops Make sure you “link” your grocery cards to Ward
Reading Goals We are going to focus on comprehensive language for reading this quarter such as: Compare and Contrast Cause and Effect Text Features (headings, sub-headings, pictures, bold text, etc) Character Traits
Language Arts Students will focus on writing argument/opinion writing pieces.
Math Goals Use place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic: solve problems involving four operations, and identify and explain patterns: represent and interpret data Telling Time (elapsed) problem solving Reason with Shapes and their attributes (pentagon, octagon, etc) Develop Multiplication Strategies (arrays, groups, repeated addition, and memorization)
Social Studies Focus on the Government
Science Goals Earth in the Universe Earth Systems
Beginning of Grade Scores (BOG) Scores will be released November 18 th and this is just baseline data. Don’t stress if your child didn’t perform the way you anticipated!!
Homework Students will receive reading homework that will be passages for them to read and answer questions. Time to focus on test prep strategies. The more practice now, the better they will be in May/June
How Can You Help? Look over your child’s homework each night. Ask them questions about things we are learning in class. Ask them to teach you some of the fun tricks we learn in class to help solve math problems. Using flash cards or playing cards, practice multiplying so students can become fluent with their multiplication facts.
Helpful websites web/games/mathmagician/cathymath.h tml web/games/mathmagician/cathymath.h tml
Questions… Do you have any questions about anything?