Three Strange Love Poems. First, Poems for Midterm For the Midterm you must read and be familiar with: "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night" p. 651-652.


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Presentation transcript:

Three Strange Love Poems

First, Poems for Midterm For the Midterm you must read and be familiar with: "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night" p "When I have fears that I may cease to be" p. 707 Remember… You must bring all of the required items to the midterm with you (textbook, print card or blue book, journals, notes, dictionary, etc).

Metaphysical Poetry The Metaphysical Poets were active during the 17th century (the 1600's). They were, above all, concerned with inventiveness and ingenuity of metaphor, (remember our discussion of "wit" from last class) and they fully explored the implications of saying that two unlike things are the same. This tends to make the metaphors and similes in metaphysical poetry very striking and unusual. John Donne and Andrew Marvell are two of the most recognizable Metaphysical poets.

"To His Coy Mistress" p What is the argument that this poem makes? How does the speaker contrast what he would do if he had time and what he must do because time is running out? What are some of the most startling images or metaphors in this poem? Another poem in the same vein as "To His Coy Mistress" is "To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time" on p. 498

"The Flea" p. 690 What is the argument that this poem makes? (Yes, it is a strange one…) How does the poet use the death of the flea to enhance that argument? How does this poem fit in with the definition of “metaphysical” poetry we just learned?

"Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" p How is this a "love song"? What is it that the speaker worries about? There is great debate over what question the speaker was about to ask (line 10) before he stops himself. What are some possibilities there? What are some of the images/metaphors in this poem that are particularly interesting?

In-Class Writing #6: Write a love poem using as many "disgusting" words as you can. Possible word list: Acne Snail Mucus Rust Mold