Egyptians Chinese Phoenicians Early Times Egyptians Chinese Phoenicians
The Greeks Hippocrates (The Father of Medicine) 1- the importance of keeping teeth 2- Compounded a dentifrice and mouthwash Aristotle Many of his views and ideas about teeth were corrected
The Romans The law of the 12th tables Cornelius Celsusu Claudius Galen (lists fines for anyone who should cause the tooth of another man to fall) Cornelius Celsusu De Medicina (orthodontic tx by finger pressure) Claudius Galen 2nd greatest physician after Hip. (listed teeth as bones of the body furnished with nerves)
The Middle Ages Scrapion Abulcasis (Accurately described the numbers of roots of the teeth) Abulcasis The greatest Arabian surgeon of M A De Chirurgia (3) (Dental tartar+ extraction of teeth)
The Renaissance Andreas Vesalius (m. anatomy) Ambroise Pare (m. surgery) Pierre Fauchard (m. dentistry) John Hunter (anatomist)
1st woman graduated in dentistry 1866 Lucy B. Hobbs Taylor 1st woman graduated in dentistry 1866
DEVOLOPMENT OF DENTISTRY IN U S A Baltimore College of Dentistry 1840 (Now the School of Dentistry at The University of Maryland)
G.V. Black (the grand old man of dentistry) 1836-1915
First dentist hired first dental assistant in 1885 C. Edmund Kells First dentist hired first dental assistant in 1885 (lady in attendance)
Important Development The Dental Engine (1860)
Cohesive Gold Robert A. Arthur (1855)
Radiography Wilhelm Roentgen 1895
Horace Wells 1st used nitrous oxide 1844 Anesthesia Horace Wells 1st used nitrous oxide 1844
Rubber Dam Dr. Sanford C. Barnum (1838-1885)