Three Progressive Presidents: Theodore Roosevelt, William H. Taft, and Woodrow Wilson
The Federal Government and the Presidency gain power, Three Progressive Presidents: (T) Theodore Roosevelt, (R) William Howard Taft (R) Woodrow Wilson (D) The Progressives are demanding more action from the government Amendment passes for direct election of U.S Senators People turn to the President for leadership IN THIS PERIOD, THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT AND THE PRESIDENCY WILL GROW IN POWER AND CONTINUE TO UNTIL THE PRESENT DAY. WASHINGTON, D.C. BECAME THE POWER CENTER OF THE U.S.
Theodore Roosevelt, The Accidental President, 1901 McKinley assassinated 42 years old, youngest to assume office Believed in using the power of the Presidency!!! Moderate—believed using the office of the presidency and the government as a go-between for business/industry and the people He was a moderate on labor—wanted to settle disputes as a mediator—but did support many labor issues Wanted regulation but not destruction of trusts and monopolies
Roosevelt’s “Square Deal” Wanted to be fair to as many people as possible, “Level the Playing Field” First target—railroads, Hepburn Act, Railroad Regulation Negotiated an end to the coal strike Used the Sherman Anti-Trust Act to bring charges against over 40 companies Pure Food and Drug Act and Meat Inspection Act 8 Hour workday Payment for those injured at work in factories Regulation of the stock market Higher Inheritance and a progressive income tax Conservation of wilderness areas and forests
T.R. with John Muir, founder of the Sierra Club
Financial Panic of 1907 Government had little real control over the economy Too many goods were being produced and the global market could not absorb them There had also been irresponsible speculation and financial mismanagement. J.P. Morgan helps with a bailout for the economy T. Roosevelt leaves office and hand picks Taft to replace him. Safari time! J. P. Morgan put together a financial plan to support the weak financial institutions. TODAY Warren Buffet is financing some firms.
President William Howard Taft, 1909 Could not fill Roosevelt’s shoes—personality, energy, charisma Both the progressives and the conservatives thought he shared their views---could please NO ONE Brought suits against over 90 corporations Fought with the Congress over the tariff Ballinger-Pinchot Affair-Debate over the use of public lands (Angered T Roosevelt) Left office one of the most defeated presidents in history Later was appointed Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court
Election of 1912 The Return of Theodore Roosevelt? William Howard Taft –Republican Woodrow Wilson ---Democrat Theodore Roosevelt—”Bull Moose” Progressive Party-New Nationalism Eugene Debs ---Socialist Party Highly emotional campaign—Taft is devastated
T. Roosevelt is struck by a bullet during the campaign
Woodrow Wilson’s “New Freedom” Served 2 terms Scholar—a professor and later President of Princeton Differed from Roosevelt in that he wanted to break up trusts and monopolies—not just regulate them Clayton Anti-Trust Act, Federal Trade Commission He took EVEN MORE POWER into his own hands as president Approved the graduated income tax (16 th Amendment) MOST IMPORTANTLY—PASSED THE FEDERAL RESERVE ACT – and set up the FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD to bring stability to the banking system. This institution is very important today and regulating our economy.
Wilson feels the pressure…..more reforms Passed laws against child labor Made it easier for farmers to get loans (credit) Appointed Louis Brandeis to Supreme Court (first Jewish justice) Workman’s comp for employees of the federal government Refused to support the Woman Suffrage Movement Reimposed segregation in federal agencies (TR had eliminated them) W. Wilson relaxed after his first term but soon realized he had to act to get reelected.
The Progressive Movement: Was the Progressive Movement of the early 1900s a success or a failure? Did progressive reformers achieve their goals? Which groups benefitted from reforms? Which groups were left behind in the progressive movement?
Progressive Era Video-Summary (33:00) Presidents begin at 10 minutes h?videoId=PWmQhnK6xu8&name=Just+the+Facts- +The+Emergence+of+Modern+America+The+Progressiv e+Era&uploadUsername=wdiaz120&hitCount= h?videoId=PWmQhnK6xu8&name=Just+the+Facts- +The+Emergence+of+Modern+America+The+Progressiv e+Era&uploadUsername=wdiaz120&hitCount=4868
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