Presentation to Dudley Health & Wellbeing Board 16 th December 2014 Dudley Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment Public views on pharmacy services and options for the future Our findings…
Susan Perks – Healthwatch Dudley Volunteer A warm welcome…
We distributed 7200 questionnaires to 72 pharmacies in Dudley borough From this 827 people returned questionnaires As you heard in our film…
people answered questions about how they use their local pharmacy services 820
said that they used pharmacies a lot for prescriptions
said that they used their pharmacy for repeat prescriptions
said that they used their pharmacy for non-prescription medicines
said that they used their pharmacy for information and advice
said that they had used their pharmacy for a health check
people answered questions about Healthy Living Pharmacies 787
of people were not aware of the Healthy Living Pharmacy brand
people answered questions about the pharmacy environment 813
said the staff were friendly
said their pharmacy was easy to get to
said their pharmacy was accessible
said that their pharmacy gave good information and advice
said they felt comfortable with private consultation areas – this meant that around a third felt that there was room for improvement
people answered a question about opening hours 657
said that lack of Sunday open hours was a barrier for them
people answered a question about a minor ailments scheme 786
said a minor ailments scheme would be useful to them
Our main conclusions…
There is a need for better promotion and publicity of the wide range of services offered within pharmacy to improve the uptake of services such as health checks and support for long term conditions
A need to encourage better take up of services such as: immunisation and vaccination stop smoking help alcohol advice HIV testing Pregnancy tests and contraception Weight management Amongst many others…
Making better use of technology including… Dudley’s Community Information Directory
And finally… Developing staff skills and making better links and partnerships between pharmacy and other primary care providers such as GPs
Thank you for your time! Any questions?