 Suffrage, Franchise: the right to vote.  Suffragette: Woman who fought for the right to vote.


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Presentation transcript:

 Suffrage, Franchise: the right to vote.  Suffragette: Woman who fought for the right to vote.

 Vindication of the Rights of Women

“ Let women be what God intended, a helpmate for man, but with totally different duties and vocations."

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 1839: If parents separated, children under 7 would be allowed to stay with their mother.  1857: Women were allowed to divorce a husband who beat them.  1870: Women were allowed to keep money they had earned.  1891: Women could not be forced to stay with their husband if they didn’t want to.

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 1897  Millicent Fawcett  Little success

 1903  Emmeline & Christabel Pankhurst "this was the beginning of a campaign the like of which was never known in England, or for that matter in any other country.....we interrupted a great many meetings......and we were violently thrown out and insulted. Often we were painfully bruised and hurt."

  1889: Formed Women’s Franchise League.  1903: Formed Women’s Social & Political Union.  Arrested six times , went on Hunger Strike.

 Interrupted meetings.  Picketed & used loudspeakers against Parliament.  Refused to pay their taxes  When they were assaulted & arrested by police they began to…  Burn down Churches of England.  Break windows of men’s establishments.  Chained themselves to Buckingham Palace (home of Royal Family)  Fire bombed houses of members of Parliamen t

 When imprisoned, Suffragettes went on Hunger Strikes  Government ordered them to be force fed.  Public outcry.  Passed Cat & Mouse Act (Temporary Discharged for Health Act)  Allowed Suffragette to starve till too weak to resist, then released her.  Rearrested her when she joined another protest.

On December 20th Miss Selina Martin and Miss Leslie Hall were arrested in Liverpool, and were remanded for one week, bail being refused. Accordingly, while still unconvicted prisoners, they were sent to Walton Gaol, Liverpool. There, contrary to regulations, intercourse with their friends was denied to them. As unconvicted prisoners they refused to submit to the prison discipline or to take the prison food. Forcible feeding was threatened and Miss Martin therefore barricaded her cell. The officials, however, effected an entrance, fell upon her and handcuffed her, dragged her to a punishment cell and flung her on the floor, with her hands tightly fastened together behind her back.

 1 st Suffragette martyr.  March 30th 1909: One month in prison for obstruction  July 30th 1909: Two months in prison for obstruction  September 4th 1909: Two months stone throwing White City, Manchester  October 20th 1909: One month for stone throwing at Radcliffe  November 19th 1910: One month for breaking windows House of Commons  January 10th 1912: Six months setting fire to postal boxes in London  November 30th 1912: Ten days for assaulting a vicar who she mistook to be David Lloyd George  Died after throwing herself in front of the King’s Horse Amner at the 1913 Derby

 1914: Suffragette Movement stopped in order to support World War I  19I8: Representation of the People Act  Gave women of property the right to vote at age 30  1928: All women over the age of 21 could vote. “If votes are given to "flappers" and if the constituencies are flooded with new and inexperienced voters, men will be placed in a minority in two-thirds of the constituencies.”