1.) Availability of workforce 2.) National markets created by transportation 3.) Lower-cost production 4.) Inventions 5.) Advertising 6.) Financial Resources 7.) Access to raw materials and energy REASONS WHY BIG BUSINESS GREW
National Markets created by transportation= RAILROADS
1.) Exclusive control of a commodity or service. 2.) Having so much control that you can manipulate prices. 3.) Many buyers, one seller. MONOPOLY
Definition- Business Trust: noun- An organization or combination of organizations united under one “board of trustees” Why? 1.) To control the supply and price 2.) To control and monopolize a trade, industry or business 3.) To get rid of competition 4.) To make MONEY, PROFIT- to make prices go UP TRUSTS
A sum of money paid to shareholders of a corporation. Paid out of earnings (profit). Share: A small piece of the company DIVIDEND
Pittsburg Steel Detroit Automobile Chicago Meat Packing New England (New York City ect.) Textiles (making clothes) UNITED STATES INDUSTRIAL CITIES
Demand stays the same (or increases) Supply is control by ONE company Horizontal Integration: Buy up all the other competing businesses Vertical Integration: Buy up all the equipment and services needs to dominate production Result: YOU SET THE PRICE! MAKE ALL THE MONEY!!! NO COMPETITION MONOPOLY
Founder, chairman, -major shareholder $1.4 billion $663.4 BILLION 2007 JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER- STANDARD OIL
Andrew Carnegie ( )- Carnegie Steel GIANT INDUSTRIAL CORPORATIONS
Merged Edison General Electric and Thomson-Houston Electric Company to form General Electric- GE J.P. MORGAN- FINANCIER, BANKER,
Merged the Federal Steel Company with Carnegie Steel (and several other smaller steel companies) to make U.S. Steel In 1890–1913, 42 major corporations were organized or their securities were underwritten, in whole or part, by J.P. Morgan and Company. J.P. MORGAN AND COMPANY
The largest bank in the US today. Just paid $13 BILLION dollar fine for helping to create the 2008 Financial meltdown. JPMORGAN CHASE
Philosophy William Graham Sumner “What Social Classes Owe to Each Other” -Nothing -We are not obligated to help the weak -Free Market Capitalism is best- taxes and regulation are harmful SOCIAL DARWINISM
Definition: (Noun) Actions benefiting society. -Public libraries -Promoting research -Universities -Museums -Public Television -John D. Rockefeller -(1 st, 2 nd, 3 rd ) -Henry Ford PHILANTHROPY
Republican-Progressive 1.) Conservation of Natural Resources Antiquities Act (1906) Conserved 230,000,000 acres of public land 2.) Control of Corporations Sued Northern Securities Company (JP Morgan) and broke up the railroad monopoly (1902). Total 54 anti-trust lawsuits 3.) Consumer Protections Pure Food and Drug Act (1906): regulated production and sale of food and drugs Meat Inspection Act (1906): federal inspection of meat products ROOSEVELT'S SQUARE DEAL ( )
Sherman Act (Roosevelt/ Taft) -Prohibits business practices that reduce competition -Forces the federal government to investigate -Limits cartels and monopolies Clayton Anti-trust Law (Wilson) -No exclusive deals -No mergers that reduce competition ANTI-TRUST LAW
Standard Oil controlled 88% of the oil in the US % of production and 85% of final sales the US Department of Justice sued Standard under federal anti-trust law, the Sherman Antitrust Act 1911: Standard was dissolved into 33 separate companies “Baby Standards” are Exxon Mobile and Chevron STANDARD OIL- ROCKEFELLER
Abolitionist Sojourner Truth at the Women's Convention in 1851 The women’s suffrage (voting) movement came out of the abolitionist (freedom from slavery) movement. How does Sojourner feel about equality between the sexes? Blacks and whites? What kind of argument is she making? Is it effective? Why/ why not? "AIN'T I A WOMAN?”
First Women’s Right’s Convention in the United States Elizabeth Cady Stanton and other Quaker women led The Declaration of Sentiments- signed by 100 of the 300 guests (68 women, 32 men) -Foundational document in the United States Women’s Suffrage Movement -Video SENECA FALLS CONFERENCE 1848
January Women begin picketing the White House June- November protesters were arrested National Woman's Party Leader, Alice Paul, staged a hunger strike in jail after her arrest. Prison doctors had to force-feed her and others. January Bad publicity= President Wilson gave support to the suffrage movement August 18, with the ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment, women achieved the right to vote. WOMEN FINALLY GET THE VOTE
In 1989 Scottish political scientist Richard Rose noted that most American historians endorse exceptionalism. He suggests that these historians reason as follows: “Its uniqueness is explained by any or all of a variety of reasons: history, size, geography, political institutions, and culture.” In this view, U.S. exceptionalism stems from its emergence from a revolution, becoming what political scientist Seymour Martin Lipset called "the first new nation” and developing a uniquely American ideology, "Americanism", based on liberty, egalitarianism, individualism, republicanism, populism and laissez-faire. AMERICAN EXCEPTIONALISM
Industrial Revolution = need for markets abroad Alaska ($7.2 million- less than 2 cents an acre) Why? GOLD Congress agrees to pay for a massive navy (at least 20 large ships) Spanish-American War (Cubans + American Sugar Investors + Teddy Roosevelt & American Navy vs. Spain) United States WINS Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam, Philippines United States takes Hawaii AMERICAN IMPERIALISM
16 th Amendment: Granted Congress the power to tax income. (1913) 17 th Amendment: Direct election of US Senators. (1913) 18 th Amendment: Prohibited making, selling or transporting. (1919) Repealed by 21 st - (1933) 19 th Amendment: Provided woman’s suffrage. (1920) PROGRESSIVE ERA AMENDMENTS