Interactive White Boards: What they are… An Interactive Whiteboard is basically a large interactive screen that connects to a projector and a computer. Because it is connected to the computer, it displays in large proportions whatever is seen on the computer screen. They are considered interactive because by using a certain tool, you can move objects, write or click just as you would with your mouse on your computer.
What can be done with it in the classroom? -Rotating pictures and visual replicas of things for student study. - Learning Games -Projecting writing samples for peer critiquing -Projecting diagrams or textbook examples and writing notes directly on the board for student viewing, and then saved for upload on the class website or wiki. -Writing out student questions in math etc. and showing the written process that students must go through to get the correct answer.
Why should it be used in the classroom? For a variety of reasons: Students move around and stay alert. Students are motivated to perform in-class assignments. Students can edit work based on classmates’ opinions. Students can better accomplish multiple tasks in small groups. Students feel as though they are really participating. Key resources and information are provided to multiple students. Students can view and interact with teacher presentations. Highly accessible to many disabled students. It promotes the use of technology in the classroom. It is fun to use.
Why should it NOT be used in the classroom (pedagogical reasons, as well those of administrators and parents)? A few reasons: Students can edit lessons in less-than-desirable ways. Students may take the opportunity to goof off. Some students with disabilities that limit their mobility may not be able to use it. Sometimes the screens are too big or too small for the classroom and students aren’t able to view it properly. Some display screens break rather easily. The portable displays can be stolen if not kept in a secure location. The technology is very expensive.
What are the risks, the legal issues, and the ethical concerns? Some risks are: Board may fall on and injure students. If a student damages a display, that student’s family may have to pay for it. Not all schools would be able to afford it. Federal grants to fund the purchase of the boards might be fought over. Some schools, or teachers, may use the whiteboard incorrectly. Teachers may treat the board as a substitute for teaching.
Luke Mathematics
Answers to the Q’s What’s already in the classroom that can do the same thing? –The white board or chalk board and projector/screen. What can the Smart board Interactive whiteboard do in the classroom that nothing else can? –Check it out. Why say something and make everyone find it. If I want you to click here, can I just show you.
How to use Smart board in my classroom. The probability of rain on Friday is 50% and the probability of rain on Saturday is 50% Students should make logical conclusion and use them in their presentations.
EQUIPMENT There are several pieces of equipment involved with interactive whiteboards: –The computer –The projector –The whiteboard –Accessories to the board (i.e. pens, eraser, etc.)
TRAINING Training for interactive whiteboards includes: –Hardware training, so teachers/administrators know how to set up and operate the whiteboard and its apparatus. –Software training, which explains to teachers the multiple programs that are designed specifically for interactive whiteboards and how they are meant to help with education.
$COST$ Seeing how interactive whiteboards are still a “new” technology, they are very expensive. Portable iwb’s range in cost from $650-$1,200. Frontal projection iwb’s (like the one we’re using) cost anywhere from $1,700-$9,000! Electronic Whiteboards Warehouse.
Lesson Plan/Resources SMART Technologies Lesson- Relates to my webquest –Teaching how linear expressions can represent prices of products and their final costs when you buy in bulk. Also how to set up your own equations involving prices and multiple variables. CoolMath
Works Cited "Activboard. Market Leading Interactive Whiteboard." Advertisement. 10 Oct Brown, Stephen. "Interactive Whiteboards in Education." TechLearn. 10 Dec Electronic Whiteboards Warehouse. Clary Business Machines Co. 10 Oct < DGB3w>. "Interactive Whiteboards." Aclearn.Net Quality Improvement Agency. 10 Oct "Interactive Whiteboards." Aclearn.Net Quality Improvement Agency. 10 Oct "INTERACTIVE WHITEBOARDS IN THE CLASSROOM." 15 Aug U.S. Department of Education. 10 Oct "Interactive Whiteboards." TeacherNet Department for Children, Schools and Families. 10 Oct "William Shakespeare." The Literature Network Oct <>. McGhee, Sandy. "The Brownsville Herald." The Brownsville Herald. The Brownsville Herald. 13 Oct "Interactive Whiteboards in the Classroom." Interactive Whiteboards. 15 Aug U.S Dept. of Education. 15 Oct