The communication function of the government of Mozambique A review of challenges and opportunities Elena Serrano, November 2008
Background This presentation is a summary of the report The Communication Function of the Government of Mozambique: a Review of Challenges and Opportunities by Elena Serrano, completed on behalf of the Development Communications Division of the World Bank in April, 2008.
Contents of the report The Vision Institutions and Mandate The Practice GABINFO ICS Press Officers in Ministries Public sector media The Challenges The Opportunities Suggested interventions to improve communications
Definition and Principles Communications is the process through which human beings create messages, exchange information and establish dialogue, thus enabling social order Pluralism, freedom of the press, citizens right to freedom of expression, right to information, absence of censorship, investigative responsibility of journalists, diversity as a national value, national coverage of media Resolution 3/97 – Boletim da Republica de Mozambique, February 25, 1997
Objectives of government communications Consolidate national unity Promote cultural values Foster development Defend democracy Contribute to the increase of trust in government Contribute to the participation of citizens in democratic institutions Resolution 3/97 – Boletim da Republica de Mozambique, February 25, 1997
Areas for strategic action Public sector consolidation Institutional strengthening Judicial – legal framework Dissemination of government activities Support to private media development Regional and international cooperation Resolution 3/97 – Boletim da Republica de Mozambique, February 25, 1997
Institutions and Mandate Porta voz du Goberno On behalf of the PM and the Council of Ministers GABINFO Estatuto Organico Decree 2/2005, Boletim da Republica de Mozambique August 29, 2005 Instituto de Comunicaçao Social Estatuto Organico Decree 1/89. Reformed Estatuto, Boletim da Republica de Mozambique, December 8, 2004 Adidos de Imprensa Tutelas: RM, TVM, AIM Public sector media whose independence is guaranteed by the State, under the tutela of GABINFO for administrative purposes
Challenges The perceived quality of government communications The evaluation of the institutions and of the practices of state information and communication The culture of secrecy The questionable openness of the government The perceived capture of the state The lack of listening mechanisms The lack of professional capacity, infrastructure and technology The aftermath of February 5, 2008
Opportunities The constitutional and legal framework The vision and the mandate of the communication function The development of private media The increasing demand from civil society Radio Mozambique Community radios The lessons of February 5, 2008
Suggested interventions The communication function of the Government of Mozambique should pursue four main objectives which feed into each other in a virtuous circle: Demonstrate openness Build trust Foster responsiveness Allocate resources The interventions suggested are conducive to promote dialogue between authorities and citizens, thus enhancing the public sphere through transparency and good governance
Demonstrate openness Freedom of Information Act Budget design and consultation Design, production and updating of government internet portals Availability of officials to the media President of the Republic and Prime Minister Network of press officers in Ministries Presence in districts and community radios Actas parlamentarias
Build trust Distinction between information and communication Setting of communication standards Critical public debate Improvement in transparency
Foster responsiveness Survey on problems and expectations Scan of community radios Analysis of RM call in programs Media monitoring and content analysis Web metrics
Allocate resources Capacity building in stakeholder consultation, strategic communication, public relations and outreach, partnerships, standards and behaviors Technology for communications Research instruments Community radios Parliament
Toward cultural change The suggested interventions, if taken together in a systemic way, can bring about the desired cultural change that will strengthen the communication function of the Government of Mozambique The process leading to openness and trust between citizens and authorities can be a painful and uncertain road to travel, but pays off in the long term The people and the government of Mozambique deserve nothing less