Unit 4 A garden of poems Reading:English Poetry
poem imagination create dream world
Chinese poetry Du FuLi Bai
【望庐山瀑布】 李白 日照香炉生紫烟, 遥看瀑布挂前川。 飞流直下三千尺, 疑是银河落九天。
English Poetry
Questions 1. What are the differences between poetry and other forms of literature? 2. Whose poetry reminds Chinese readers of Du Fu or Li Bai? Whose of Su Dongpo? Fast-reading
1. What are the differences between poetry and other forms of literature? Answer ① Poetry plays with sounds, words and grammar. ② Poetry is difficult to write,but interesting to read. ③ Poetry calls up all the colors, feelings,experiences and curious images of a dream world.
2. Whose poetry reminds Chinese readers of Du Fu or Li Bai? Whose of Su Dongpo? William Wordsworth George Gordon Byron John Keats John Donne
Careful-Reading Para. 1 Para. 2 Para. 7 Para. 3 Para. 4 Para. 5 Para. 6 The characters of poetry. A look on Chinese poetry. The first period of Modern English poetry. Modern English poetry in the 19 th century. Why modern poets have special attraction? The introduction of English poetry to China. I.The translation of English poetry. II.The role that poems act as.
Task: A timeline ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦⑧ William Shakespeare John Donne John Milton Alexander Pope John Keats William Wordsworth George G. Byron Robert Frost
Post-reading I. Choose the best answer. 1. Modern English came into being from about the end of the _______ century. A 16 th B 17 th C 18 th D 19 th 2. The poetry of John Donne reminds Chinese readers of the poems by ___________. A.Du Fu B.Li Bai C.Su Dongpo D.Guo Moruo A C
3. Byron’s Isles of Greece (1824) is an example of _________. A.a sonnet B.romantic poetry C.nature poetry D.modern poetry 4. The wider public in China discovered English poetry at the beginning of the _________ century. A 17 th B 18 th C 19 th D 20 th 5. The advantage of reading English poetry in Chinese translation is _________. A.that you have more choice B.that something of the spirit is lost C.that you understand it better D.that you learn how to express yourself in new ways B D C
II. What do the words in bold refer to. Para. 1 That makes poetry difficult to write, but very interesting to read. Para. 3 Despite its short history,there is a lot of good poetry around. Poetry plays with sounds,words and grammar. English poetry ’ s
Para. 5 Finally, modern poets have their special …… in the language and images they use. Para. 7 They can help us to understand each other better, … Para. 4 The style and atmosphere in their poems has often … modern poets William Wordsworth,Byron,John Keats poems and literature
Further-understanding If a poem is translated into another language, is it still the same poem? What are some differences? Something of the spirit of the original works is lost.spirit rhythmrhymefigures of speech etc.
Quietly, we embrace In a world lit up by words. —— by Mu Dan When people from one country read the poems from another, they will be struck by what is inside the poem, so they will understand each other and become good friends.
Enjoyment Poems and literature can be bridges. Image ( 比喻) Poems and literature can be ties that brings the East and the West together. Poems and literature can be fine wine enjoyed by the East and the West.fine wine
When enjoy an English poem: 1. Use your heart and emotion. 2. Imagine you are exactly in the dream world of that poem. Then I saw the Congo creeping through the black, Cutting through the forest with a golden track. 然后我看见刚果河从黑土地上蜿蜒流过, 在森林划下一道金色的沟壑。
Discussion Are poems good for our life? What can we get from poems?poems 1. Poems bring passion ( 激情 ) to our life. 2. Poems help us to understand life, virtues, beauty and romance… 3. Poems make us know, we are here,we can make our life and the world more colorful!
Homework 1. Read the text again to get a better understanding. 2. Read and translate several good English poems. 3. Get some information about famous poets on internet if possible.
keats.com Website
ON THE SEA It keeps eternal whisperings around Desolate shores, and with its mighty swell Gluts twice ten thousand Caverns, till the spell Of Hecate leaves them their old shadowy sound. Often 'tis in such gentle temper found, That scarcely will the very smallest shell Be mov'd for days from where it sometime fell, When last the winds of Heaven were unbound. Oh ye! who have your eye-balls vex'd and tir'd, Feast them upon the wideness of the Sea; Oh ye! who have your eye-balls vex'd and tir'd, Feast them upon the wideness of the Sea; Oh ye! whose ears are dinn'd with uproar rude, Or fed too much with cloying melody - Sit ye near some old Cavern's Mouth, and brood Until ye start, as if the sea-nymphs quir'd! John Keats
A SOLDIER He is that fallen lance that lies as hurled, That lies unlifted now, come dew, come rust, But still lies pointed as it ploughed the dust. If we who sight along it round the world, See nothing worthy to have been its mark, It is because like men we look too near, Forgetting that as fitted to the sphere, Our missiles always make too short an arc. They fall, they rip the grass, they intersect The curve of earth, and striking, break their own; They make us cringe for metal-point on stone. But this we know, the obstacle that checked And tripped the body, shot the spirit on Further than target ever showed or shone. Robert Frost
The Isles of Greece The isles of Greece! the isles of Greece! Where burning Sappho loved and sung, Where grew the arts of war and peace, -- Where Delos rose and Phoebus sprung! Eternal summer gilds them yet, But all, except their sun, is set. The Scian and the Teian muse, The hero's harp, the lover's lute, Have found the fame your shores refuse; Their place of birth alone is mute To sounds which echo further west Than your sires' "Islands of the Blest." The mountains look on Marathon -- And Marathon looks on the sea; And musing there an hour alone, I dream'd that Greece might yet be free For, standing on the Persians' grave, I could not deem myself a slave. George Gordon Byron
哀希腊 希腊群岛呵,美丽的希腊群岛! 火热的萨弗在这里唱过恋歌; 在这里,战争与和平的艺术并兴, 狄洛斯崛起,阿波罗跃出海面! 永恒的夏天还把海岛镀成金, 可是除了太阳,一切已经消沉。 开奥的缪斯,蒂奥的缪斯, 那英雄的竖琴,恋人的琵琶, 原在你的岸上博得了声誉, 而今在这发源地反倒喑哑; 呵,那歌声已远远向西流传, 远超过你祖先的 “ 海岛乐园 ” 。 起伏的山峦望着马拉松- 马拉松望着茫茫的海波; 我独自在那里冥想一刻钟, 梦想希腊仍旧自由而欢乐; 因为,当我在波斯墓上站立, 我不能想象自己是个奴隶。 拜伦
Don McLean - Vincent
七步诗 曹植 煮豆燃豆萁, 豆在釜中泣。 本是同根生, 相煎何太急。 A poem written in 7 steps Cao Zhi They were boiling beans on a beanstalk fire, Came a plaintive voice from the pot, “O, why since we sprang from the self-same root, Should you kill me with anger hot?”
John Donne John Milton Byron John KeatsWordsworth