NOISE N. Libatique ECE nd Semester
Optical Detection: Biomolecular Signaling
11-cis-retinal trans-retinal rodopsin changes shape makes opsin sticky to transducin GDP from transducin falls off and replaced by GTP activated opsin binds to phosphodiesterase which aqcuires the ability to cut cGMP lower cGMP conc. causes ion channels to close lowering Na concentration in cell and lowers cell potential current transmitted down optic nerve to brain
Optical Detection Opto-electronic Detection vs. Others (Biomolecular Signalling) Opto-electronic Detection vs. Others (Biomolecular Signalling) Limits of communication, bit error rate Limits of communication, bit error rate
Shot Noise Shot Noise, Johnson Noise, 1/f Noise Shot Noise, Johnson Noise, 1/f Noise Shot Noise ~ Poisson Process Shot Noise ~ Poisson Process
very small P(0, ) + P(1, ) = 1 P(1, ) = a( ); a = rate constant No arrivals over + ; P(0, + ) P(0, + ) = P(0, ) P(0, ) What is P(0, )? In a pulse of width what is the probability of it containing N photons? P(N)
What is the detection limit? A perfect quantum detector is used to receive an optical pulse train of marks and spaces. If even one photon arrives, it will be detected and counted as a mark. The absence of light over a clock period is a space. Every pulse will have a random number of photons. On average, how many photons should be sent per pulse, if it is desired that only 1 ppb be misinterpreted as a space when in fact it is a mark?
Poisson dP(0, )/d = - a P(0, ) P(0, ) = e - a ; What about P(N)? N photons at a time? It can be shown that this is a Poisson process P(N) = (N m ) N e –N m / N!
Poisson Distribution P(N) = (Nm)N e –Nm / N! Variation is fundamental N = 6; Only 16% of pulses have 16 photons; e -6 probability of having no photons Optical Shot Noise
Signal to Noise Ratio
Shot Noise on a Photocurrent
Other Sources Aside from photon shot noise Background radiation: blackbodies Johnson Noise: thermal motion of electrons 1/f Noise: conductivity fluctuations Amplifier Noise
Background Radiation P total = P signal + P background MeanSquareCurrent shot proportional to P total I(W/cm 2 ) = (T/645) 4 (T in K) 4.7x10 -2 W/cm 2 at 300 K Human Body 2 m 2 1 kW Spectrally distributed 1,000 o C 3 K
Spectral Distribution
Bit Error Rates Analog Signals: SNR ratio Digital Signals: BER Telco Links = Datacomms and Backplanes = Quality Factor Power required to achieve Q and BER? 0.1 dB significant as fiber losses are low…
Probability Distribution Function Decision Level s(0) = expectation current value s(1) = expectation current value 2121 2020 IdId Output Current Probability A 10 A 01 Signal + Noise results in bit errors… Noise statistics of signal, detector, amplifier determine PDF
Probability of Error p(0) = probability that a space is transmitted p(1) = probability that a mark is transmitted A 01 = probability that space is seen as mark A 10 = probability that mark is seen as space P(E) = p(0) A 01 + p(1) A 10 Assume Gaussian statistics P(E) = Integral[Exp[-x 2 /2],{x,Q,Infinity}]/Sqrt[2 ]
Design Assume a perfect quantum detector. Amplifier input impedance is 50 Ohms. Shunt Capacitance 2 pF. Design a 100 Mbps link at 1.5 m. Design for a BER Assume the effective bandwidth required would be 200 MHz (Nyquist Criterion). Optimize the detector. Minimize the power required to achieve BER. reducing the BW via changing RC, reduce ckt noise, etc……
Show… Poisson Statistics: Show value of mean: Summation [k p(k,n), {k,0,Infinity}] Poisson Statistics: Expectation value for k 2 (Note: p(k,) = n k e -n / k! Mean[(k-n)^2] = n Simulate a current governed by Poisson Noise