Institute of Physics ASCR Prague IoP group and theoretical studies of ferromagnetic materials and nanostructure with strong spin-orbit coupling Institute of Physics ASCR Tomas Jungwirth, Alexander Shick, Karel Výborný, Jan Zemen, Jan Masek, Jairo Sinova, Vít Novák, Kamil Olejník, et al.
64-node high-performance computer cluster State of the art molecular-bean epitaxy & electron-beam lithography systems
Theoretical methods Electronic structure Analytical models (Rashba, Dresselhaus, spherical-Luttinger) k.p semiphenomenological modelling (typical for semiconductors) extensive library of home-made routines spd-tight-binding modelling (half way between phenomenological and ab initio) home-made relativistic codes Full ab initio heavy numerics (transition metals based structures) standard full-potential libraries, home-made relativistic ab-initio codes Observables micromagnetic parameters from total energy, thermodunamics, and linear response theories Boltzmann and Kubo equations for extraordinary, anisotropic, and coherent transport Device specific modeling Finite-element methods, Schrodinger-Poisson solvers, Monte-Carlo semiclassical methods, Landauer-Buttiker formalism
Materials As Ga Mn Semiconductor 2D electron and hole systems with spin-orbit coupled bands As Ga Mn Dilute-moment ferromagnetic semiconductors Transition metal ferro and antiferromagnets
Research goal: Electric field controlled spintronics HDD, MRAM controlled by Magnetic field Spintronic Transistors Low-V 3-terminal devices STT MRAM spin-polarized charge current I think you can remove the history of spintronics devices. You have also too much symbol in your up graph & Opto-spintronics 5
Paradigms Exchange & spin-orbit coupling & direct link to spintronics (magnetotransport) Semiconducting multiferroic systems Spin dynamics in non-magnetic spin-orbit coupled channels
AMR TMR TAMR Exchange & spin-orbit coupling; complex link to transport Au Exchange only; direct link to transport Exchange & spin-orbit coupling; direct link to transport
Bias-dependent magnitude and sign of TAMR Shick et al PRB ’06, Parkin et al PRL ‘07, Park et al PRL '08 ab intio theory TAMR is generic to SO-coupled FMs Park et al PRL '08 experiment 8
Consider uncommon TM combinations Mn/W ~100% TAMR TAMR in TM structures Consider uncommon TM combinations Mn/W ~100% TAMR Consider both Mn-TM FMs & AFMs Shick, et al, unpublished spontaneous moment magnetic susceptibility spin-orbit coupling exchange-spring rotation of the AFM Scholl et al. PRL ‘04 Proposal for AFM-TAMR: first microelectronic device with active AFM component Shick, et al, unpublished
Devices utilizing M-dependent electro-chemical potentials: FM SET Source Drain Gate VG VD Q [010] M [110] [100] SO-coupling (M) ~ mV in GaMnAs ~ 10mV in FePt electric & magnetic control of CB oscillations Wunderlich et al, PRL '06
CB oscillations shifted by changing M (CBAMR) (Ga,Mn)As nano-constriction SET CB oscillations shifted by changing M (CBAMR) Electric-gate controlled magnitude and sign of magnetoresistance spintronic transistor & Magnetization controlled transistor characteristic (p or n-type) programmable logic
Group velocity & lifetime Magnitude and sensitivity to electric fields of the MR Complexity of the relation between SO & exchange-split bands and transport Complexity of the device design Chemical potential CBAMR SET Tunneling DOS TAMR Tunneling device Group velocity & lifetime AMR Resistor
Paradigms Exchange & spin-orbit coupling & direct link to spintronics (magneotransport) Semiconducting multiferroic systems Spin dynamics in non-magnetic spin-orbit coupled channels
Semiconducting multiferroic spintronics Control via (non-volatile) charge depletion and/or strain effects Magnetic materials spintronic magneto-sensors, memories Semiconductors Ferroelectrics/piezoelectrics electro-mechanical transducors, large & persistent el. fields transistors, logic, sensitive to doping and electrical gating
Ga As Mn Ferromagnetic semiconductors Need true FSs not FM inclusions in SCs Mn Ga As GaAs - standard III-V semiconductor Group-II Mn - dilute magnetic moments & holes (Ga,Mn)As - ferromagnetic semiconductor
EF DOS Energy Ga As-p-like holes As Mn Mn-d-like local moments GaAs:Mn – extrinsic p-type semiconductor spin EF << 1% Mn ~1% Mn >2% Mn DOS Energy spin onset of ferromagnetism near MIT As-p-like holes localized on Mn acceptors valence band As-p-like holes Mn Ga As As-p-like holes FM due to p-d hybridization (Zener local-itinerant kinetic-exchange) Mn-d-like local moments
Mn Ga As As-p-like holes Beff s Beff Bex + Beff Ferromagnetism & strong spin-orbit coupling Mn Ga As As-p-like holes V Beff p s Strong SO due to the As p-shell (L=1) character of the top of the valence band Beff Bex + Beff
Electric field control of ferromagnetism k.p kinetic exchange model predicst sensitivity to strains ~10-4 Strain & SO Rushforth et al., ‘08 slow and requires ~100V and hole-density variations of ~1019-1020 cm-3
Low-voltage gating (charge depletion) of ferromagnetic semiconductors Switching by short low-voltage pulses Magnetization Owen, et al. arXiv:0807.0906
Paradigms Exchange & spin-orbit coupling & direct link to spintronics (magnetotransport) Semiconducting multiferroic systems Spin dynamics in non-magnetic spin-orbit coupled channels
Spin dynamics in non-magnetic spin-orbit coupled channels Datta-Das transistor Datta and Das, APL ‘99
Spin-injection Hall effect transistor and spin-photovoltaic cell Non-destructive detection of spin-dynamics along the channel Compatible with optical and electrical spin-injection and tunable by electrical gates