Genuine random number generator demo software explanation What happens in this demo LeTech Co.,ltd
Principle of random number generation The source is thermal noise. The noise is amplified and converted into pulse intervals( T1, T2,……) These pulses are independent of each other and thus, should follow a Poisson arrival time distribution. The data can be tested by checking whether its distribution fits an exponential distribution. The noise wave form can be checked for external influences by looking for over-range amplitudes. The noise wave form is converted into pulses using the threshold level. The upper red line is the over-range limit. The generation rate may be readily increased by adding more channels.
Special USB RNG for demo use This special USB module is used only for demos and performance evaluation. For introducing disturbances, there is an open window in the shielded case; disturbances may be injected with a finger. This module does not inhibit its output, even if error conditions are detected. Our PC software can be used to show the generated data and test status under failure conditions.
The G-RNG demo screen. This is the G-RNG demo Window. In normal operation, you can see this screen on the host PC.
Generation Monitor Window The red window shows the number of RNs generated for each random value, dynamically. This window is showing RN generation status and no error conditions. The X axis, 0 to 16, represents the 4 high-order bits of an 8 bit RN. The solid lines are the 6 sigma limits, as explained below.
Over-range indicator In case of “over-range”, an X mark is here. If there is some abnormal noise wave form whose amplitude exceeds a set limit, an “X” mark appears here, showing the failure.
Second channel window Second Channel ( CH1 ) status Window. This USB module is equipped with two generator channels. This window shows the status of the second channel.
In this window, large sets of RNs are accumulated to show results of static analysis. Data are displayed in these windows using several methods of static analysis. Randomness test window
Randomness test window, Setting-1 Using two channels, the sources of the 8 bit counter’s start and stop pulses can be selected. Can be set; CH0 to CH1 CH1 to CH0 A counter is started from zero by one trigger, and stopped by a second trigger.
Randomness test window, Setting-2 This is the data accumulation period setting. You can choose from 1 sec to over 9 hours. After each period, the accumulated data are analyzed and displayed.
Randomness test window, Setting-3 There is a Start button, a Stop button, and a progress bar. Press “Start” and the RNs are stored in a buffer until the chosen period has elapsed. During data accumulation, you can abort by pressing “Stop”. The bar shows progress.
Randomness test window, Setting-4 This setting is for repetition of the accumulate/display cycle. With this setting, the accumulation and analysis may be repeated a set number of times. In the small window to the right, you can see the current repetition count.
Randomness test window, Results-1 This shows the distribution of random numbers. The X-axis is the numbers’ value, from the 8bit counter. Y is the quantity (frequency) of each value. The Y-axis scale is exponential. At the end of every period, this display is regenerated.
Randomness test window, Results-2 This show you the distribution's spread in sigma(σ) units. In this window, you can see the deviations from the average, in units of sigma. This window is updated each accumulate period.
Randomness test window, Results-3 This is the accumulated normalized distribution of bare RNs. The RNs, directly from the 8 bit counter, converted into a normalized distribution and accumulated. Y-axis is dynamically increasing during each accumulation period.
Randomness test window, Results-4 This is the distribution of uniform RNs. The normalization circuit transforms bare RNs into a uniform distribution. The resulting distribution is shown here. Y-Axis is frequency X-axis is value of RNs.
Randomness test window, Results-5 This is the display of deviations from uniformity. This is a display of the deviations in the normalized distribution.
Randomness test window, Results-6 This is the accumulated normalized distribution. In this window, the distribution of deviations about the mean is displayed. The Y-axis dynamically increases as accumulation continues.
Randomness test window, Results-7 This is for the measurement of generation speed and for output to a file. There are two functions here. Measurement of RN generation speed, using a dummy write, so that transfer speed is not a factor. You can obtain a file of RNs using the output function, with selectable size and destination.
Randomness test window, Results-8 This is the noise source amplitude display. By varying the threshold level in small steps for fixed time intervals, a display of the distribution of waveform amplitudes is generated.
Randomness test window, Results-9 Running the noise source amplitude display Once started, the red line grows, showing the frequency of peaks at each amplitude. Since other functions are invalidated while this is running, the other windows show error conditions but this is okay.
Randomness test window, Results-10 Completed wave form amplitude display. After this function completes, if everything is okay, we can see this Boltzmann like distribution. This can be used to investigate wave form over- range alerts.
Randomness test window, Fail-1 If there is an error condition, it is shown onscreen If we introduce interference, by touching the PCB, the screen looks like this. CH0 is indicating wave form amplitude over-range and inhibiting RN generation. CH1 shows a distribution error.
Randomness test window, Fail-2 Weak interference: very brief finger touch. Here, we touched the PCB very briefly and lightly. CH0 is near failure, and CH1 has failed. In the accumulation window, we see the abnormal distribution.
Randomness test window, Fail-3 Heavy intereference. Here, we made a strong finger touch for a long time. CH0 and CH1 have both detected this, and failed. Note the deviation from an exponential distribution. The normalized distribution is also out of range
Summary Genuine Random Number Generator. Continuously verified random number generation Health testing performed in hardware High-speed modules are available in several multi- channel configurations. Currently in use in military and cloud-computing applications. 2MB/Sec to 550MB/Sec available now, straightforward path to gigabyte rates. Please visit: Thank you for your time and consideration