Alcohol Affects The Body 10.1
Key Terms Alcohol-The drug in wine, beer & liquor that causes intoxication. Alcohol is considered a drug because it causes a change in a persons physical & mental state.
Key Terms Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) - The amount of alcohol in a person’s blood, expressed as a percentage.
Key Terms Binge Drinking - Drinking 5 or more drinks in one sitting. A person can drink a fatal amount of alcohol before the effects of severe intoxication sets in.
Key Terms Cirrhosis - A deadly disease that replaces healthy liver tissue with scar tissue. Most often caused by long term alcohol abuse.
FACT Alcohol is the most widely used & abused drug. One beer contains the same amount of alcohol as a glass of wine or a shot of vodka.
Short-Term Effects of Alcohol Minor Effects Nausea Vomiting Dehydration Loss of judgment and self- control Reduced reaction time Poor vision Serious Effects Memory loss Blackout Coma Death
Myth If I weigh 160 lbs, I can drink three beers w/out affecting my driving because I’ll still be under the legal limit of 0.08.
Fact The ability to drive is affected even at a B.A.C. of 0.02. Just one drink can affect a persons ability to drive safely.
The Dangers of Binge Drinking Eight drinks or more in an hour can cause the brain & heart to stop working. This is called alcohol poisoning, or alcohol overdose, & It can be fatal.
Alcohol Poisoning Symptoms: Extreme vomiting, Loss consciousness, & Dangerously slowed breathing. Get medical help immediately. Turn the victim onto his/her side so they won’t choke & die from vomiting. If certified, administer CPR if the person is not breathing & has no pulse.
Long-Term Effects Brain - Brain damage, shrunken brain & dead brain cells. Heart - Irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure, enlargement of the heart, anemia. Immune System - Diminished immune system function - makes fighting off disease difficult. Small Intestine - Decreased ability to absorb vitamins Mouth, Esophagus & Stomach - Irritation; stomach bleeding; cancer of the mouth, esophagus, & stomach. Liver - Hepatitis, cirrhosis, liver cancer Pancreas – Pancreatic Cancer Kidneys – Loss of bladder control
Damage To The Brain Alcoholism is the 2nd leading cause of dementia. Dementia is a decrease of brain function that includes personality changes & memory loss.
Effects on the Mind About 15 minutes after finishing one or two drinks, most people begin to feel more relaxed & talkative, they laugh more easily. The drinker loses the ability to make good decisions, pay attention, follow complex thoughts, or cope with difficult situations. A person loses the ability to focus his/her eyes. The person slurs his/her speech, loses coordination, & may experience drastic mood swings. The drinker loses his/her inhibitions. Inhibitions are the natural limits that people put on their behavior.
Cirrhosis The 12th leading cause of death in the U.S. 1/2 of Cirrhosis deaths are from chronic alcohol abuse.
Alcoholism Affects the Family & Society Chap 10.2
Key Terms Alcohol Abuse - drinking too much or at inappropriate times. Alcoholism - lose control of drinking behavior. Enabling - help addict avoid consequences. Co-dependency - sacrifice your needs for the needs of an addict. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) - affects fetus when mother consumes too much alcohol during pregnancy.
What Is Alcoholism? A disease that causes a person to lose control of his or her drinking. (Can’t stop) The drinker is physically & emotionally addicted to alcohol. Alcoholics suffer physical pains when they don’t get alcohol. (DTs)
Problem Drinking Tolerance Dependence Alcoholism
Alcoholism Risk Factors Age - Teens who drink before 15 years old are more likely to become alcoholics than a person who waits until they’re 21. Social Environment – Having friends who drink, (you do because they do). Genetics – You are 25% likely to become an alcoholic if someone in your family drinks. Risk-Taking Personality
Warning Signs of Alcoholism Drinking to deal w/anger. Changing friends or personal habits. Being defensive about drinking. Feeling depressed. Drinking alone. Drinking just to get drunk. Hiding your drinking. Drinking at inappropriate times.
Affects On The Family Guilty Feelings - Family feels guilty Fear of Unpredictable Behavior - Family never knows what to expect from the drinker. Violence - Families may become victims. Neglect & Isolation - Drinkers avoid their children & drink instead. Alcoholic avoids help from family, friends, & coworkers. Ignoring One’s Own Needs - Families sacrifices their needs to meet addicts needs.
Alcoholism Can Be Treated Treatment Programs - Helps alcoholics during difficult stages & helps alcoholics understand why they drink. During withdrawal, the person suffers from nervousness, headaches, chills, nausea, seizures, & uncontrollable shaking. Al-Anon & Ala-Teen - Support Groups for the families of alcoholics. Helps the families talk & share their feelings about what the alcoholic is doing to their family.
Teens And Alcohol 10.3
Key Terms Designated Driver - A person who chooses not to drink alcohol in a social setting so that he or she can safely drive himself or herself & others DUI - Driving Under the Influence - Anyone caught Driving Under the Influence will be arrested. Zero Tolerance – If you are under 21 & are stopped for a DUI, your license is suspended, fined, do community service, or may go to jail.
Teens & Alcohol 1700 Teens die annually from drunk driving 1/5 Teen related drunk driving accidents are fatal 60% of all teen deaths in car accidents involve alcohol. Drunk driving is a serious crime that has serious consequences such as: Brain damage, spinal cord injuries, paralysis & emotional stress resulting from a death.
Getting Home Safe And Sober Don’t Drink – It can be fatal. Plan Ahead - Before you go out were they might be serving alcohol, plan a safe way home. A designated driver. A friend or family member who will pick you up. Call a taxi.
Drinking And Sexual Activity Drinking and sexual activity can lead to: Unplanned Pregnancies, Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), Regret & the emotional pain of an unhealthy sexual relationship, &/or Rape.
Drinking And Sexual Activity Continued 60% of college women who have acquired STDs, including AIDS & genital herpes, were under the influence of alcohol at the time they had intercourse. 95% of violent crime has been because of the use of alcohol.
Drinking And Teen Brains The brains and bodies of teens are still developing. Drinking before the age of 21 can cause irreversible brain damage.
Saying No To Alcohol Many teens have been pressured to use alcohol, by advertisements, TV, or movies. Its even harder to say no when your own friend is telling you to drink. Don’t stress yourself, the best way to stay away from alcohol is to avoid the people that use it.
Practice Saying No Buy yourself some time, go some place where you can be alone & think about how to get yourself out of the situation. Give good reasons why you choose not to drink – ex: If one of your friends asks you to drink at least one, you can say, “I promised to get us both home safe”.
Practice Saying No, Continued State the consequences you face if you drink - ex: If your friends tell you to have just one, you can say, “I would get grounded if my parents saw me drunk.”
Say No Firmly No is a simple and powerful word that will send the message to the other person, when you say no, make sure you say it clearly. If the person insists, say, “No thank you”, and walk away.
Say No Firmly, Continued If necessary, say no again and include an alternate activity, if that person keeps on insisting change the subject or include something fun for example dancing playing outside etc. Walk away if the person just doesn’t understand that you’ve been saying no, leave the situation.
Section 1 Review Why alcohol is considered a drug? Which of the following is not a short-term effect of alcohol? A. poor vision B. poor judgment C. reduced reaction time D. increased self-control
Section 1 Review Identify the term for the drug in beer wine and liquor that causes intoxication. Define intoxication: Define cirrhosis: Describe the danger of binge drinking?