Verification of ensembles Courtesy of Barbara Brown Acknowledgments: Tom Hamill, Laurence Wilson, Tressa Fowler Copyright UCAR 2012, all rights reserved.


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Presentation transcript:

Verification of ensembles Courtesy of Barbara Brown Acknowledgments: Tom Hamill, Laurence Wilson, Tressa Fowler Copyright UCAR 2012, all rights reserved.

How good is this ensemble forecast? Copyright UCAR 2012, all rights reserved.

Questions to ask before beginning? How were the ensembles constructed? – Poor man’s ensemble (distinct members) – Multi-physics (distinct members) – Random perturbation of initial conditions (anonymous members) How are your forecasts used? – Improved point forecast(ensemble mean) – Probability of an event – Full distribution Copyright UCAR 2012, all rights reserved.

Approaches to evaluating ensemble forecasts As individual members – Use methods for continuous or categorical forecasts As probability forecasts – Create probabilities by applying thresholds or statistical post-processing As a full distribution – Use individual members or fit a distributions through post-processing Copyright UCAR 2012, all rights reserved.

Evaluate each member as a separate, deterministic forecast Why? Because it is easy and important If members are unique, it might provide useful diagnostics. If members are biased, verification statistics might be skewed. If members have different levels of bias, should you calibrate? – Do these results conform to your understanding of how the ensemble members were created? Copyright UCAR 2012, all rights reserved.

Verifying a probabilistic forecast You cannot verify a probabilistic forecast with a single observation. The more data you have for verification, (as with other statistics) the more certain you are. Rare events (low probability) require more data to verify. These comments refer to probabilistic forecasts developed by methods other than ensembles as well. Copyright UCAR 2012, all rights reserved.

Properties of a perfect probabilistic forecast of a binary event. Sharpness forecast frequency observed non-events observed events Resolution Reliability Copyright UCAR 2012, all rights reserved.

Our friend, the scatterplot Copyright UCAR 2012, all rights reserved.

Introducing the attribute diagram! ( close relative to the reliability diagram) Analogous to the scatter plot- same intuition holds. Data must be binned! Hides how much data is represented by each Expresses conditional probabilities. Confidence intervals can illustrate the problems with small sample sizes. Copyright UCAR 2012, all rights reserved.

Attribute Diagram

Reliability Diagram Exercise

Discrimination  Discrimination: The ability of the forecast system to clearly distinguish situations leading to the occurrence of an event of interest from those leading to the non-occurrence of the event.  Depends on:  Separation of means of conditional distributions  Variance within conditional distributions forecast frequency observed non-events observed events forecast frequency observed non-events observed events forecast frequency observed non-events observed events (a)(b)(c) Good discriminationPoor discriminationGood discrimination Copyright UCAR 2012, all rights reserved.

Brier score Appropriate for probabilities of a binary event occurring. Analogous to mean squared error. Can be decomposed to resolution, reliability and uncertainty components. Geometrically relates to attribute diagram. Fair comparisons require common sample climatology. Copyright UCAR 2012, all rights reserved.

The Brier Score Mean square error of a probability forecast Weights larger errors more than smaller ones Copyright UCAR 2012, all rights reserved.

Components of probability error The Brier score can be decomposed into 3 terms (for K probability classes and a sample of size N): reliability resolution uncertainty If for all occasions when forecast probability p k is predicted, the observed frequency of the event is = p k then the forecast is said to be reliable. Similar to bias for a continuous variable The ability of the forecast to distinguish situations with distinctly different frequencies of occurrence. The variability of the observations. Maximized when the climatological frequency (base rate) =0.5 Has nothing to do with forecast quality! Use the Brier skill score to overcome this problem. The presence of the uncertainty term means that Brier Scores should not be compared on different samples. Copyright UCAR 2012, all rights reserved.

Sharpness also important “Sharpness” measures the specificity of the probabilistic forecast. Given two reliable forecast systems, the one producing the sharper forecasts is preferable. But: don’t want sharp if not reliable. Implies unrealistic confidence. Copyright UCAR 2012, all rights reserved.

Sharpness ≠ resolution Sharpness is a property of the forecasts alone; a measure of sharpness in Brier score decomposition would be how populated the extreme N i ’s are. Copyright UCAR 2012, all rights reserved.

Forecasts of a full distribution How is it expressed? – Discretely by providing forecasts from all ensemble members – A parametric distribution – normal (ensemble mean, spread) – Smoothed function – kernel smoother Copyright UCAR 2012, all rights reserved.

Assuming the forecast is reliable (calibrated) By default, we assume all ensemble forecasts have the same number of members. Comparing forecasts with different number of members is an advanced topic. For a perfect ensemble, the observation comes from the same distribution as the ensemble. Huh? Copyright UCAR 2012, all rights reserved.

Rank 1 of 21Rank 14 of 21 Rank 5 of 21Rank 3 of 21 Copyright UCAR 2012, all rights reserved.

Rank Histograms Copyright UCAR 2012, all rights reserved.

Verifying a continuous expression of a distribution (i.e. normal, Poisson, beta) Probability of any observation occurring is on [0,1] interval. Probability Integral Transformed (PIT) - fancy word for how likely is a given forecast Still create a rank histogram using bins of probability of observed events. Copyright UCAR 2012, all rights reserved.

Verifying a distribution forecast Copyright UCAR 2012, all rights reserved.

Warnings about rank histograms Assume all samples come from the same climatology! A flat rank histogram can be derived by combining forecasts with offsetting biases See Hamill, T. M., and J. Juras, 2006: Measuring forecast skill: is it real skill or is it the varying climatology? Quart. J. Royal Meteor. Soc., Jan 2007 issue Techniques exist for evaluating “flatness”, but they mostly require much data. Copyright UCAR 2012, all rights reserved.

Continuous and discrete rank probability scores. Introduce pdf -> cdf High, low, no variance (event) Area of wide, narrow Perfect forecast with bias … Aggregate Relates to Brier score – for a forecast of a binary event, the RPS score is equivalent to the Brier score. Copyright UCAR 2012, all rights reserved.

Rank Probability Scores Copyright UCAR 2012, all rights reserved.

A good RPS score minimizes area Copyright UCAR 2012, all rights reserved.

Final comments Know how and why your ensemble is being created. Use a combination of graphics and scores. Areas of more research – Verification of spatial forecasts – Additional intuitive measures of performance for probability and ensemble forecasts. Copyright UCAR 2012, all rights reserved.

Useful references Good overall references for forecast verification: – (1) Wilks, D.S., 2006: Statistical Methods in the Atmospheric Sciences (2nd Ed). Academic Press, 627 pp. – (2) WMO Verification working group forecast verification web page, – (3) Jolliffe and Stephenson Book: Jolliffe, I.T., and D.B. Stephenson, 2012: Forecast Verification. A Practitioner's Guide in Atmospheric Science., 2 nd Edition, Wiley and Sons Ltd. Verification tutorial – Eumetcal ( Rank histograms: Hamill, T. M., 2001: Interpretation of rank histograms for verifying ensemble forecasts. Mon. Wea. Rev., 129, Spread-skill relationships: Whitaker, J.S., and A. F. Loughe, 1998: The relationship between ensemble spread and ensemble mean skill. Mon. Wea. Rev., 126, Brier score, continuous ranked probability score, reliability diagrams: Wilks text again. Relative operating characteristic: Harvey, L. O., Jr, and others, 1992: The application of signal detection theory to weather forecasting behavior. Mon. Wea. Rev., 120, Economic value diagrams: – (1)Richardson, D. S., 2000: Skill and relative economic value of the ECMWF ensemble prediction system. Quart. J. Royal Meteor. Soc., 126, – (2) Zhu, Y, and others, 2002: The economic value of ensemble-based weather forecasts. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 83, Overestimating skill: Hamill, T. M., and J. Juras, 2006: Measuring forecast skill: is it real skill or is it the varying climatology? Quart. J. Royal Meteor. Soc., Jan 2007 issue. Copyright UCAR 2012, all rights reserved.

Reliability Diagram Exercise Probabilities underforecast Essentially no skill Perfect forecast Tends toward mean but has skill Small samples In some bins Reliable fore- cast of rare event No resolution Over- resolved forecast Typical categorical forecast