Volcano Vocabulary F3 7th grade
A weak spot in the crust where magma has come to the surface Volcano A weak spot in the crust where magma has come to the surface
Volcanoes are what formed the Hawaiian Islands.
Magma The molten mixture of rock-forming substances, gases, and water from the mantle
Magma Magma
Magma is found inside the volcano.
Lava Liquid magma that reaches the surface; also the rock formed when liquid lava hardens
Lava is found outside the volcano.
A substance that cannot be broken down into other substances Element A substance that cannot be broken down into other substances
Basalt is made up of the elements silicon and oxygen.
A substance in which two or more elements are chemically joined Compound A substance in which two or more elements are chemically joined
SiO2 is the compound formula for Silicon dioxide.
Cinder cone A steep cone-shaped hill or small mountain made of volcanic ash, cinders, and bombs piled up around a volcano’s opening
Cinder cone
A cinder cone volcano has a steep, cone-shaped hill or small mountain.
Shield Volcano A wide, gently sloping mountain made of layers of lava and formed by quiet eruptions
Shield Volcano
Shield Volcano Shield volcanoes rose from a hot spot on the ocean floor to create the Hawaiian Islands.
Composite Volcano A tall, cone-shaped mountain in which layers of lava alternate with layers of ash and other volcanic materials
Composite Volcano
Composite Volcano Mount St. Helens in Washington State is an example of a composite volcano.
Pipe A long tube through which magma moves from the magma chamber to Earth’s surface
Pipe Pipe
The pipe connects the magma to the vent.
The opening through which molten rock and gas leave a volcano Vent The opening through which molten rock and gas leave a volcano
Vent Most often the vent is at the top of the volcano but sometimes there can be side vents.