Human Rights & Business in Kenya
Agenda 1.What are Human Rights? 2.Why are Human Rights important to Business? 3.Human Rights Challenges in Kenya 4.Group Discussions
What are human rights? “Human rights are universal legal guarantees protecting individuals and groups against actions which interfere with fundamental freedoms and human dignity” — Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS (1948) INTERNATIONAL COVENANT OF CIVIL AND POLITICAL RIGHTS (1966) — 153 countries INTERNATIONAL COVENANT ON ECONOMIC, SOCIAL AND CULTURAL RIGHTS (1966) — 149 countries Source of Human Rights ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work (1998)
Exercise on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) Right to a fair trial Right to adequate health Right to adequate food Right to adequate housing Right to adequate standard of living Right to education Right to family life Right to freedom from discrimination Right to freedom from forced labour and servitude Right to freedom from torture, or degrading treatment or punishment Right to freedom of assembly and collective bargaining Right to freedom of movement Right to freedom of opinion, expression, thought, and religion Right to intellectual property Right to life, liberty and security of person Right to own property Right to participation in cultural life Right to privacy Right to take part in government Right to work and to just and favourable conditions at work 1.Please choose three rights that you consider to be the most important overall 2.What do you think, how many of these rights are also mentioned in the Kenyan Constitution?
Food - Water - Health Housing - Education - Work Fair Trial - Thought Religion – Expression - Assembly - Association Culture - Political Participation - Family Privacy CIVIL LIBERTIESBASIC NEEDS Life - Liberty - Security - Movement Slavery - Torture BODILY INTEGRITY What are Human Rights?
Why are human rights important to business?
Compliance with laws Satisfying customer concerns/reputational risks Building strong ties to the community Business relationships Working environment Why are Human Rights important to Business?
Human Rights Challenges in Kenya
LABOUR ISSUES VULNERABLE GROUPS IN THE WORKPLACE The right to freedom from discrimination CHILD LABOUR The right to education; The right to work and just and favourable conditions of work FORCED LABOUR The right to freedom from forced labour and servitude OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY The right to health; The right to work and just and favourable conditions of work TRADE UNIONS The right to peaceful assembly and freedom of association WORKING CONDITIONS The right to work and just and favourable conditions of work COMMUNITY IMPACTS VULNERABLE GROUPS IN THE COMMUNITY The right to freedom from discrimination ENVIRONMENT The right to health; The right to adequate food; LAND & PROPERTY The right to own property REVENUE TRANSPARENCY & MANAGEMENT The right to an adequate standard of living; The right to take part in government SECURITY & CONFLICT The right to freedom from torture; The right to life, liberty and security of person
Group Discussions