Introducing your sources in your paper.
You have to look for information about your author when you do your research It will usually be at the beginning of the article. There will be a brief introduction about them. In a book, it will be at the beginning of the book or on the back cover of the book. Also, it can be on the last couple of pages of the book
Example According to Thomas Sieger Derr a professor of religion and ethics at Smith college, in his article “Global Warming Is Not a serious Problem,” he argues that there is no “good correlation between atmospheric carbon dioxide levels and past climate changes” (87).
Continued Thomas Sieger Derr a professor of religion and ethics at Smith college, in his article “Global Warming Is Not a serious Problem,” he argues that there is no “good correlation between atmospheric carbon dioxide levels and past climate changes” (87).
Continued A religion and ethics professor and author of Environmental Ethics and Christian Humanism, Thomas Sieger Derr makes the point that is no “good correlation between atmospheric carbon dioxide levels and past climate changes” (87).
In 1997 an important study appeared in the New England Journal of Medicine. The authors, Donald Redelmeier and Robert Tibshirani, studied 699 volunteers who made their cell phone bills available in order to confirm the times when they had placed calls.
Example without an Author A study done by M.A.D.D (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) showed that 1 out 3 teenagers admit to driving under the influence.
Check List for Research WRITE DOWN THE PAGE NUMBERS Write down your citation Bring Money, or USB drive to save your info Take down information on the authors Get background information on your topic Use your time wisely