Turn in R/R
Warm-Up List the 3 causes of volcanoes. Be prepared to describe each.
Volcanic Activity Section 9-2
Anatomy of a Volcano Magma Chamber Pipe Vent Side Vent Crater Lava Flow
Factors affecting eruption Why does this soda “erupt”? Video #1 Video #2
Dancing Raisins Try whole raisins. Try raisins cut in ½. Try different beans. Pour liquid into strainer in rear sink. Return pan of materials to the front.
Dancing Raisins Why do the Raisins dance?
Factors affecting eruption #1. amount of gas dissolved in magma ↑ gas content = ↑ force of eruption
#2. temperature ↑ temperature = ↑ flow-y
Very hot, liquidy
Cooler, less flow-y
Factors affecting eruption #3. amount of silica in magma Silica = thicker lava
Lava with lots of silica. THICK! – the rock builds up
Lava without lots of silica. THIN and runny!
List 3 factors which affect a volcanic eruption. Which one is hardest for you to remember? How can you compensate for that?