Prepared by Ir. SUBAGIYO LOEKITO Indonesia Participant Settlement and Spatial Planning Office Central Java Province August 2003 Country REPORT
Central Java Province I ndonesia Country REPORT S ettlement and S patial P lanning O ffice Functions: 1. Technical policies on settlement and Spatial Planning 2. Planning and Programming, assistance, monitoring, evaluation, and reporting of Settlement and Spatial evaluation, and reporting of Settlement and Spatial Planning Planning 3. Coordination, facilitation, mediation, evaluation and control on settlement development and spatial planning control on settlement development and spatial planning 4. Facilitation on settlement infrastructure development 5. Administration and management
Country REPORT Central Java Province I ndonesia Planning Sub Division Development Area Sub Division Infrastructure Management Sub Division Building Development Sub Division Technical Assistance Sub Division Housing Improvement Sub Division Drainage Sub Division Building Management Sub Division Monitoring and Evaluation Sub Division Self Supporting Housing Sub Division Solid Waste Sub Division Guidance Construction Service Sub Div. Program Sub Division Building Plan Sub Division Water Supply Sub Division Supervision Construction Service Sub Div. Spatial Planning Division Housing Division Settlement Infrastructure Division Building Construction service Division Testing and Information Construction Bureau Chairman Vice Chairman *) Administration Division Administration Section Testing Section Information Section Official Sub Division Financial Sub Division General Sub Division
1 Metropolitan City – Semarang: more than inhabitant 1 Big City ( – inhabitants); 29 Medium Cities ( – inhabitants); 70 Small Cities ( – inhabitants); 140 Cities of capital of district ( inhabitants); 200 the capitol of district (less than inhabitants). Its physically not yet urbanize C ities Country REPORT Central Java Province I ndonesia
The average of population growth of Central Java Province The average of population growth of Central Java Province is 1.5% per year and higher in Semarang is 1.5% per year and higher in Semarang Back log housing is about one million in 2002 Back log housing is about one million in 2002 Economic growth in 2002 is about 4% Economic growth in 2002 is about 4% Metropolitan and Big City already crowded Metropolitan and Big City already crowded P rospect of The New Town Program Country REPORT Central Java Province I ndonesia
Puri Anjasmoro Banyumanik Telogosari Location of New Town and High Scale Settlement in Semarang S emarang Metropolitan Country REPORT I ndonesia Central Java Province Bukit Semarang Baru
T he New Town Country REPORT Central Java Province I ndonesia Industrial Zone Housing Zone Commer cial area Lake New Semarang Mountain/ Bukit Semarang Baru. It’s Located at West Side Of Semarang Ke Boja Ke SMG
U rban renewal Country REPORT Central Java Province I ndonesia Old City Semarang
U rban renewal Country REPORT Central Java Province I ndonesia canal Post Office Mandiri Bank Building Colonial Bank, It’s PTP XVII Building Mberok Area
U rban renewal Country REPORT Central Java Province I ndonesia Agus Salim Street Pekojan Blenduk Church Commercial Area Conservation area Semarang Old City
1. Support city tourism 2. Improve the environment quality 3. Raise the economic activity C hance for the future of Urban renewal Country REPORT Central Java Province I ndonesia
High tide Local flood / high tide becomes a serious problem in Semarang because it covers very large area (27.2Km2) especially at the north area. caused by rising of the sea level because of global warming and land decline I ssues and countermeasures Country REPORT Central Java Province I ndonesia Continue ….
Polder and Water Pump system Semarang Drainage system divided into two main drain systems, Canals and city drainage that operated by pump and gravitation system. There are two main canals, first is Banjir Kanal Barat (West Main Canal) and the second is Banjir Kanal Timur (East Main Canal).There are two main canals, first is Banjir Kanal Barat (West Main Canal) and the second is Banjir Kanal Timur (East Main Canal). I ssues and countermeasures Country REPORT Central Java Province I ndonesia Continue ….
Efforts to reduce local flood area Plan to build Jatibarang damPlan to build Jatibarang dam Rivers and canals normalizationRivers and canals normalization Heightening the dikes and inspection roadsHeightening the dikes and inspection roads Build pump stations and polder systemBuild pump stations and polder system …I ssues and countermeasures Country REPORT Central Java Province I ndonesia
Law Number 16/1985 about Multistory HousingLaw Number 16/1985 about Multistory Housing Law Number 4/ 1992 about Housing and SettlementLaw Number 4/ 1992 about Housing and Settlement Law Number 24/ 1992 about Spatial PlanningLaw Number 24/ 1992 about Spatial Planning Law Number 18/ 2002 about BuildingLaw Number 18/ 2002 about Building President Decree Number 32/ 1992 about Conservation AreaPresident Decree Number 32/ 1992 about Conservation Area Government Regulation Number 4/ 1986 about Multistory HousingGovernment Regulation Number 4/ 1986 about Multistory Housing Government Regulation Number 80/ 1999 about Ready Build AreaGovernment Regulation Number 80/ 1999 about Ready Build Area Government Regulation Number 69/ 1996 about Public Participation in Spatial PlanningGovernment Regulation Number 69/ 1996 about Public Participation in Spatial Planning Ministry Regulation of Home Affair Number 2/ 1987 about Guidance of City PlanningMinistry Regulation of Home Affair Number 2/ 1987 about Guidance of City Planning Ministry Decree of Public Work Number 640/ KPTS/ 1986 about Standard of City PlanningMinistry Decree of Public Work Number 640/ KPTS/ 1986 about Standard of City Planning Ministry Decree of Public Work Number 20/ KPTS/ 1986 about Simple HousingMinistry Decree of Public Work Number 20/ KPTS/ 1986 about Simple Housing Ministry Decree Home Affair Number 58/ 1988 Technical guidance for Ministry RegulationMinistry Decree Home Affair Number 58/ 1988 Technical guidance for Ministry Regulation of Home Affair Number 2/ 1987 Ministry Decree of Home Affair Number 4/ 1996 about Urban land Use ChangingMinistry Decree of Home Affair Number 4/ 1996 about Urban land Use Changing Governor Decree Number 10/ 1998 About Planning of Spatial RoadGovernor Decree Number 10/ 1998 About Planning of Spatial Road Governor Decree Number 11/1998 About Standard of Site Planning on Settlement AreaGovernor Decree Number 11/1998 About Standard of Site Planning on Settlement Area L aws and Regulations Country REPORT Central Java Province
P roblems that hinder development 1. Spatial planning is not yet being a part of development plan. 2. Spatial planning should be guidance for all institutions to make a decision in development. 3. Limitation of good quality of human resources Weakness of law enforcement 4. Squatters and slum areas are rapidly growth in the city center. 1. Spatial planning is not yet being a part of development plan. 2. Spatial planning should be guidance for all institutions to make a decision in development. 3. Limitation of good quality of human resources Weakness of law enforcement 4. Squatters and slum areas are rapidly growth in the city center. Country REPORT Central Java Province I ndonesia
C ountermeasures 1. To complete spatial planning into detail plan and operation procedure 2. To build the institution establish. 3. Training, comparative study, increase the level of education and addition the quality personal. 4. Character building 5. Urban renewal, resettlement, and New Town development 1. To complete spatial planning into detail plan and operation procedure 2. To build the institution establish. 3. Training, comparative study, increase the level of education and addition the quality personal. 4. Character building 5. Urban renewal, resettlement, and New Town development Country REPORT Central Java Province I ndonesia
“Making the Spatial Planning as a Development Tool” V ision Country REPORT Central Java Province I ndonesia