Assessment of Riparian Buffer Reestablishment in Stevens-Rugg Brook Assessment of Riparian Buffer Reestablishment in Stevens-Rugg Brook Jessica Etzkin, Liam Caine, Adam Sieffert, Omar Qazi, Raphael Okutoro
Background Stevens Brook and Rugg Brook are two streams which run together Stevens Brook and Rugg Brook are two streams which run together Meet up in St. Albans Meet up in St. Albans Drain into St. Albans Bay in Lake Champlain Drain into St. Albans Bay in Lake Champlain Areas surrounding stream have experienced flood damage over the lat 100 years Areas surrounding stream have experienced flood damage over the lat 100 years Legislative action was taken to control flooding Legislative action was taken to control flooding Entire brook is channelized Entire brook is channelized
Background Continued Urban Development is encroaching on brook Urban Development is encroaching on brook Urban runoff resulting in poor water and in stream habitat quality Urban runoff resulting in poor water and in stream habitat quality Additional, runoff from farms adding excess nutrients Additional, runoff from farms adding excess nutrients Overall, many environmental issues are leading to the degradation of Stevens-Rugg Brook Overall, many environmental issues are leading to the degradation of Stevens-Rugg Brook Our Reach
Goal To assess alternatives that will improve the overall stream habitat and water quality, stabilize the banks, and improve the geomorphology of Stevens-Rugg Brook, in St. Albans. To assess alternatives that will improve the overall stream habitat and water quality, stabilize the banks, and improve the geomorphology of Stevens-Rugg Brook, in St. Albans.
Objectives Assess and do inventory of Stevens-Rugg Brook, as it currently appears focusing on the area near the Federal Building and Houghton Park by April 15, Assess and do inventory of Stevens-Rugg Brook, as it currently appears focusing on the area near the Federal Building and Houghton Park by April 15, Identify all the possible alternatives for improving the overall stream quality by April 15, Identify all the possible alternatives for improving the overall stream quality by April 15, Identify alternatives that may be more feasible than establishing a riparian buffer. Identify alternatives that may be more feasible than establishing a riparian buffer. Research the affects of setting up a minimum riparian buffer for improving stream habitat by April 20, Research the affects of setting up a minimum riparian buffer for improving stream habitat by April 20, Assess what type of vegetation would be best in a riparian buffer in St. Albans for improving stream habitat by April 20, Assess what type of vegetation would be best in a riparian buffer in St. Albans for improving stream habitat by April 20, Research St. Albans policy on setting up riparian buffers to understand if this alternative is feasible. Research St. Albans policy on setting up riparian buffers to understand if this alternative is feasible. Evaluate costs associated with setting up different strategies to improve the overall water quality. Evaluate costs associated with setting up different strategies to improve the overall water quality.
Main St. Stevens and Ruggs Brook
Houses within 10 meters of stream
Houses too close to the stream with no riparian buffer
Can you say channelized?
Stormdrains flowing directly into stream
Downstream of development consists of trash and concrete blocks
Muskrat Hole, wildlife corridor potential?
Hard Engineering already in place, unfortunately it’s about 10 feet from a house
Alternatives ActionsErosionCostGeomorphologyBank Stabil ity Water QualityImproved in stream Habitat No action No changenoneNo improvementNo Change No change Rip Rap Helps stop erosion Low costNo improvementKeeps bank very stable Improvement, reduces erosion, sedimentation. No improvement Coconut Fiber Bundles Moderately to greatly controls erosion Higher costAllows for stream to change and meander Holds bank mostly stable Improves with trapping sediment Creates environmen t for plants to grow and fish habitat Planting Vegetatio n (Riparia n Buffer) Deep roots control it well Higher CostAllows stream to change and meander Holds bank mostly stable Greatly improves, traps nutrient and sediment Adds shading and nutrients for stream Planting live cuttings Deep roots control it well ModerateAllows stream to change and meander Holds bank mostly stable Greatly improves, traps nutrients and sediment Adds shading and nutrients for stream Root wads Moderately to strongly controls erosion ModerateAllows stream to change and meander Holds bank mostly stable Improves with trapping sediment Creates environmen t for plants to grow and fish habitat
Other Alternatives Removal of roof drains from residential homes which drain into the brook Removal of roof drains from residential homes which drain into the brook Removal of on-site drainage systems and pipes Removal of on-site drainage systems and pipes New flood control detention basins New flood control detention basins Sediment traps Sediment traps Education of the Residents: trash clean up days, less use of fertilizers and pesticides Education of the Residents: trash clean up days, less use of fertilizers and pesticides
Conclusion Each stream section has its own problems, therefore many alternatives will need to be used to fix the problems. Each stream section has its own problems, therefore many alternatives will need to be used to fix the problems. Education Education Roof drain removal, pipe removal, storm retention basin addition, and sediment traps Roof drain removal, pipe removal, storm retention basin addition, and sediment traps Coir Bundles Coir Bundles Planting a Riparian Buffer Planting a Riparian Buffer