We are going to view the following color blindness YouTube video. Keep in mind, I did not create this, nor am I doctor – this is NOT a diagnosis! Also, if you do not want to participate in the color blindness activity, you do not have to. However, you are responsible for all other questions on this POGIL
The first few slides are retrieved from webmd.com 2
What is color blindness? Color blindness means that you have trouble seeing red, green, or blue or a mix of these colors. It’s rare that a person sees no color at all. Color blindness is also called a color vision problem. 3
What causes color blindness? Most color vision problems are inherited (genetic) and are present at birth. People usually have three types of cone cells in the eye. Each type senses either red, green, or blue light. You see color when your cone cells sense different amounts of these three basic colors. 4
What causes color blindness? Inherited color blindness happens when you don't have one of these types of cone cells or they don't work right. You may not see one of these three basic colors, or you may see a different shade of that color or a different color. This type of color vision problem doesn't change over time. 5
6 Color Vision Fundamentals Jeff Rabin, OD, PhD Chief, Visual Function Laboratory Ophthalmology Branch USAF School of Aerospace Medicine
7 Visible light is small part of electromagnetic spectrum UVIR
8 The visible spectrum includes 300 wavelengths ( nm), and in some portions we can discern color differences of 1 wavelength. The ability to see so many colors depends on: a. a separate cone for each wavelength. b. optic nerve fibers for each color. c. visual cortex neurons sensitive to each color. d. difference in stimulation of red, green and blue sensitive cones.
9 Why do colors that look different to us appear the same to color deficient individuals?
10 Color normal Color Deficient Dichromat
11 Some Views With and Without Color Vision Link Jay and Maureen Neitz Color Vision PageJay and Maureen Neitz Color Vision Page
12 fcolor/2B.html#vissamp
13 Color DeficiencyMalesFemales Protanopia1%0.01% Deuteranopia1%0.01% Protanomaly1%0.01% Deuteranomaly5%0.4% Overall (red-green)8%0.5% Tritanopia0.008% TritanomalyRare Rod monochromatism Rare Cone monochromatism Rare
On a sheet of loose-leaf 14 Demo Name What did you SEE happening (words/picture) Do Now – why do you THINK it was happening Exit – what ACTUALLY happened? Prism Bent Pencil Quarter
15 Today’s Goals: 1.Discuss #9-15 from HW with peers or teacher. (you can check answers in teacher’s text) 2.Finish Ch 28 POGIL part 3 3.Complete EXIT portion of Do Now and turn in
16 MIXING COLORED FILTERS Different filters absorb certain types of light and let others through. All the overlapped pigments absorbed the visible light It’s black because it’s blocked by pigment COLOR WHEEL RGB light makes white light and the it makes the white show Colors move faster than your eyes can see and create white light It’s going so fast and all the frequencies are overlapping to form light (mixing by ADDITION!) MIXING COLORED LIGHT Different types of light create new shades when added together. All the colors together creates white light. RGB mixed makes white light Addition – not subtraction – in color that made white light (not black/brown) Light is different than pigment The frequencies are added The frequencies overlap and add together to make new colors