Selection of Water Sources in Emergency Operations
Selection of water sources in emergency operations WATSAN M15 ERU 2 Contents 1.Why water supply selection? 2.Availability of resources. 3.Technical criteria. 4.Steps to select a water source
Selection of water sources in emergency operations WATSAN M15 ERU Why Water Source Selection?
Selection of water sources in emergency operations WATSAN M15 ERU 4 QuantityQuantity QualityQuality AccessAccess DistributionDistribution SafetySafety Camp SiteCamp Site Local Communities / Local GovernmentLocal Communities / Local Government ONCE DECIDED IT IS VERY DIFFICULT TO CHANGE 1. Why Water Source Selection?
Selection of water sources in emergency operations WATSAN M15 ERU 5 2. Availability of Resources
Selection of water sources in emergency operations WATSAN M15 ERU 6 SURFACE WATERSURFACE WATER –Lakes –Rivers GROUNDWATERGROUNDWATER –Wells –Boreholes –Springs RAIN WATERRAIN WATER 2. Availability of Resources
Selection of water sources in emergency operations WATSAN M15 ERU 7Humanitarian Hydrology Accessibility 3. Technical Criteria
Selection of water sources in emergency operations WATSAN M15 ERU 8Humanitarian Type of emergencyType of emergency Needs of affected populationNeeds of affected population SPHERE WATSAN indicatorsSPHERE WATSAN indicators 4. Technical Criteria
Selection of water sources in emergency operations WATSAN M15 ERU 9 Natural causes -droughts-floods-huricanes-earthquakes -volcanic activity -wars-accidents-famine Human causes EMERGENCY EMERGENCY Disasters Humanitarian 4. Technical Criteria
Selection of water sources in emergency operations WATSAN M15 ERU 10 Needs of affected population The amount of water supplied to the population might vary according to climatological, hydrological and geographical conditions as well as the habits of the population. The amount of water supplied to the population might vary according to climatological, hydrological and geographical conditions as well as the habits of the population.Mínimum: 15 litres of water per day per person (Sphere) 15 litres of water per day per person (Sphere) Humanitarian 4. Technical Criteria
Selection of water sources in emergency operations WATSAN M15 ERU 11 Sphere Water Minimum Standards Average water use for drinking, cooking and personal hygiene at least 15 l./ person / day The maximum distance to the nearest water point is 500 metres Queuing time at a water source no more than 15 minutes No more than three minutes to fill a 20-litre container Appropriate quantities of water are available consistently or on a regular basis One washing area per 250 people Septic tanks more than 30m away from any groundwater source. Latrines 1.5 m. above water level Drainage system in water collection points Humanitarian 4. Technical Criteria
Selection of water sources in emergency operations WATSAN M15 ERU 13 Access to the water source (ERT)Access to the water source (ERT) Access to water distribution points (Beneficiaries)Access to water distribution points (Beneficiaries) All people have safe and equitable access to a sufficient quantity of water for drinking, cooking and personal and domestic hygiene. Public water points are sufficiently close to households to enable use of the minimum water requirement Accessibility 4. Technical Criteria
Selection of water sources in emergency operations WATSAN M15 ERU 14 a.- Compilation of information b.- Selection of survey areas c.- Field survey and completion of forms completion of forms d.- Public bodies / NGOs / Beneficiaries e.- Selection of water source & camp site 4. Steps to select a water source
Selection of water sources in emergency operations WATSAN M15 ERU Steps to Select a Water Source a.- Compilation of information WHAT? –Maps (Hydrological, topographic, infrastructures-water supply, etc) –Reports (Government, Red Cross (FACT), NGOs) –Aerial photographs WHERE? IFRCIFRC ICRCICRC Local Chapter / BranchLocal Chapter / Branch Central GovernmentCentral Government Local GovernmentLocal Government NGOsNGOs Local PopulationLocal Population InternetInternet
Selection of water sources in emergency operations WATSAN M15 ERU Steps to Select a Water Source b.- Selection of survey areas
Selection of water sources in emergency operations WATSAN M15 ERU 17 –Individual basic equipment Maps, compass, GPSMaps, compass, GPS –Water analysis Conductivity meterConductivity meter pH meterpH meter Turbidíty meterTurbidíty meter NitatesNitates NitritesNitrites Delagua kitDelagua kit HardnessHardness 5. Steps to Select a Water Source c.- Field survey Searching for a water source & a site camp
Selection of water sources in emergency operations WATSAN M15 ERU Steps to Select a Water Source c.- Field survey Water analysis
Selection of water sources in emergency operations WATSAN M15 ERU Steps to Select a Water Source c.- Field survey Completion of assessment forms
Selection of water sources in emergency operations WATSAN M15 ERU 20 Water source N º :_______ Date:__________________ Type of source (River, stream, canal, well, borehole, etc) Current uses of the water source Current uses of water upstream or above the source Current quantity of flow Colour and odder of water Is the water source seasonal? Specify the periods when flow is higher and lower Average waking distance to households Are the surroundings used for defecation? Type of surrounding vegetation Type of surrounding fauna 5. Steps to Select a Water Source c.- Field survey FIELD LOG BOOK Physical characteristics of water sources
Selection of water sources in emergency operations WATSAN M15 ERU 21 Date Source N º Date Source N º Date Source N º Date Source N º Coeliforms (N º x 100ml) Hardness (mg/l) Conductivity ( µ S/cm) pH Nitrates (mg/l) Nitrites (mg/l) Turbidity (NTU) 5. Steps to Select a Water Source c.- Field survey FIELD LOG BOOK Analysis of water sources
Selection of water sources in emergency operations WATSAN M15 ERU Steps to Select a Water Source d.- Talks to Local Chapter, Public Bodies, Community Leaders, NGOs
Selection of water sources in emergency operations WATSAN M15 ERU 23 The Team Leader decides The Team Leader decides the water source & the water source & camp site location based camp site location based on the analysis of : on the analysis of : – Reports – Maps – Field surveys – Field Log Book data – Talks to Public bodies/NGOs/ Beneficiaries Beneficiaries 5. Steps to Select a Water Source e.- Selection of the water source & camp site
Selection of water sources in emergency operations WATSAN M15 ERU 24Thank you……….