Jennifer Critel TE 877
Without color, uses only black, white, and grays. ColorWheel #RGB # White255, 255, 255 Gray101140, 140, 140 Black200, 0, 0
Uses any three consecutive hues or any of their tints and shades on the color wheel. ColorWheel #RGB # Red4255, 0, 0 Red-orange11217, 22, 43 Orange20255, 102, 0
Combines a color with the hue to the right or left of its complement on the color wheel. ColorWheel #RGB # Orange20255, 102, 0 Violet84153, 128, 255
Uses direct opposites on the color wheel. Purple on Green from Uses direct opposites on the color wheel. Purple on Green from ColorWheel #RGB # Yellow green45128, 255, 51 Red violet92153, 0, 255
Uses one hue in combination with any or all of its tints and shades. ColorWheel #RGB # Blue green63140, 255, 204 Blue green600, 255, 153 Blue green580, 191, 115
Uses a hue which has been diminished or neutralized by the addition of its complement or black. ColorWheel #RGB # Yellow orange25140, 84, 0 Yellow orange30255, 191, 102 Yellow orange32255, 230, 204
Consists of a hue and the two hues on either side of its complement. ColorWheel #RGB # Red orange12255, 25, 51 Blue680, 102, 255 Yellow orange29255, 179, 51
A combination of the pure hues of red, yellow, and blue. ColorWheel #RGB # Red4255, 0, 0 Yellow36255, 255, 0 Blue680, 102, 255
A combination of the secondary hues of green, violet, and orange. ColorWheel #RGB # Violet86115, 89, 255 Green520, 255, 25 Orange20255, 102, 0
Combination of red-orange, yellow-green, and blue violet or Combination of blue-green, yellow-orange, and red-violet All are equidistant Combination of red-orange, yellow-green, and blue violet or Combination of blue-green, yellow-orange, and red-violet All are equidistant ColorWheel #RGB # Yellow-orange29255, 179, 51 Blue-green6151, 255, 179 Red-violet93166, 51, 255