The color theory EIPT 6523 Xiaoli Zhang
Artistic colors (RYB model) Primary colors in RYB model: red, yellow, and blue. Type of Prime Colors Spectral colors (RGB model) Primary colors in RYB model: red, green, and blue.
Spectral color wheel (R-G-B)
Prime Color (RGB Model) Primary colors in RGB model: red, green, and blue.
Secondary Color Secondary Colors: Green, orange and purple. The colors formed by mixing two of the primary colors.
Tertiary Color Tertiary colors: blue-green, blue-purple, red-orange, red-purple, yellow-orange, yellow-green. The colors formed by mixing primary and secondary colors.
Analogous Color Scheme The analogous color scheme use colors that are next to each other on the color wheel. They usually match well and create serene and comfortable designs.
Complementary Color Scheme The complementary color scheme consists of two colors that are opposite each other on the color wheel
split-complementary color scheme The split-complementary color scheme uses the two colors adjacent to its complement. This provides high contrast without the strong tension of complementary scheme.
Warm color scheme The color circle can be divided into warm and cool colors. Warm colors are vivid and energetic. Cool colors give an impression of calm, and create a soothing impression.
Monochromatic Color Scheme The monochromatic color scheme uses different tints and shades of one color to produce a palette.
Reference chart.html color-theory