U.S. Education and Outreach Activities … a selection of initiatives Fermilab Tour Area Initiative EPO in the Pierre Auger Observatory, Mendoza Province, Argentina The Cosmic Ray Observatory Project (CROP) in Nebraska, and its affiliates QuarkNet The DPF Education and Outreach Committee World Year of Physics 2005 in the U.S. Gregory R. Snow University of Nebraska EPOG Meeting 10 October 2003
Feynman Computing Center Wilson Hall DØ CDF Fermilab Tour Area Initiative Labwide initiative to enhance visitor experiences at Fermilab Coordinated by Office of Public Affairs External architecture and design firms enlisted to facilitate common look to several satellite Tour Areas $5 Million master plan presented to Directorate in July 2003 Prototype Tour Areas constructed/assembled for August 2003 Lepton-Photon Conference at the lab Lederman Education Center + new Visitor Center Also NuMI/MINOS and MiniBoone
DZERO Tour Area Opening for Lepton-Photon Conference Huge screen on shielding wall for projected images Run I and II detector displays, posters Live event displays from control room
The Pierre Auger Observatory Southern Hemisphere: Malargüe Province of Mendoza Argentina Being constructed now Northern Hemisphere: Millard County, USA Construction starts in detectors, 3000 km 2 each site
Status of Argentina site 150 out of 1600 surface detectors installed 2 out of 4 fluorescence telescope buildings complete Southern Hemisphere site complete 2005 Extremely impressive air showers have been observed with partial array Northern Hemisphere site Construction to start in 2006 Likely site in Millard County, Utah Setting in Argentina 6000 people in remote small town Malargüe Auger collaboration presence quite noticeable Positive impact desired at many levels Education/outreach activities organized in a distinct subtask led by G. Snow Example: tanks carry names provided by local school students The Pierre Auger Observatory
This shower hit 20 surface tanks ! 10 kilometers, or the size of a city Energy 6.3 eV Zenith angle, almost horizontal
Goals of the Education/Outreach Task Use the Auger Observatory and international collaboration to enhance science literacy and technology skills in the regions of the Auger sites and internationally Increase public awareness and support for basic research in physics, astrophysics, and all areas of science Encourage and support a wide range of education/outreach projects which link schools, community groups, and the public with the science and scientists of the Auger Observatory Provide technical and non-technical information on Auger to a wide range of audiences – students, public, government officials, scientific colleagues Recruit and encourage the participation of groups underrepresented in science in Auger education/outreach activities
Education efforts receive support and emphasis on par with main scientific work Paper submitted to 2001 International Cosmic Ray Conference, Hamburg
Public Lectures in Malargüe Nightly science talks given to student and adult groups during collaboration meetings Total attendance 700
Auger collaboration participates in Malargüe 50 th Anniversary Parade November 2000
Assembly Building Inauguration and Open House, November 2000
Visitor Center at Auger Office Building Visitor Center Data Acquisition Central communications radio tower
Auger Center Building Inauguration October 2001
Overhead projector, screen, podium PC, VCR, receiver in cabinet Shutters painted blue, refurbished models, speakers Glass cabinet for library and displays Multimedia projector Visitor Center at Auger Office Building
Visitor Center in Auger Center Building 4250 visitors January 2002 – April 2003 Over 700 people toured Visitor Center after inauguration
Close Contact with Malargüe Schools
Three students place 11 th (out of 300) in Mendoza Science Fair with their Auger exhibit and accompanying posters Collaborators help with local student science projects
Auger collaboration members present frequent courses for local science teachers Rebeca Lopez (Mexico) explains hands-on optics experiments to Malargüe teachers Malargüe teachers demonstrate their own experiments to other teachers Beatriz García (UTN Mendoza) presents an astronomy course to Malargüe teachers Rebeca Lopez presenting hands-on course to teachers in General Alvear, 200 km from Malargüe
Eureka Science Park in Mendoza Parque de la Ciencia y la Tecnología Official opening November 2003 Outside: 2 Mexican SD tanks outdoors with explanatory signs Inside: Italian FD prototype from Los Leones, posters, brochures, PC with interactive activities
Eureka Science Park in Mendoza Parque de la Ciencia y la Tecnología 4 posters on self-supporting stands as shown Poster 1 Poster 2 Poster 3 Poster 4
Eureka Science Park in Mendoza Parque de la Ciencia y la Tecnología 4 Posters 3 Posters 2 PCs against wall
Eureka Science Park in Mendoza Parque de la Ciencia y la Tecnología Interior space reserved for Fluorescence Detector mirror assembly
Argentina’s 2 nd Planetarium in Malargüe City of Malargüe constructing building Collaboration funding the interior
US Ambassador to Argetina, James Walsh (2 nd from left), with Mantsch and Watson at Auger reception, US Embassy in Buenos Aires Jim Cronin being interviewed for the Buenos Aires television program, “Mateando con la Ciencia” U.S. Congressional reception for NSF-funded science projects June 2001 Cronin and Snow with Congressman Sherwood Boehlert (NY), Chair of House Science Committee Other Public Relations Activities