MEET: TRAVELONY A platform of recorded walking tours Professional tour guides, or amateurs, create audio walking tours They upload the tours to the Travelony app Travelers download the app When traveling, they open the app and see which tours are available nearby They pay for the tour The tour begins, they start walking and discover a new place Travelony transforms the way we discover the places we visit
TRAVELONY FEATURES GEO Includes location-based identification that starts different parts of the tour when you reach each destination Map that indicates the location of the next destination SOCIAL See which tours your friends did and their recommendations Consumers can rate the tours There can be multiple tours about the same place; the best tours will emerge through customer ratings ORGANIZED Each tour will contain a description of the tour and bio about the tour guide Tours can also be offered for free
A UNIQUE DISPLAY Simple Intuitive Mobile Customizable Modern Without wifi
MVP WEBSITE 100+ visits in first few days
MARKET RESEARCH (1) Interested in using free audio walking tours (2) Would pay $0.99 for a walking tour (3) Would create and publish walking tours N = 31
MARKETING Target market: aged – backpackers on a budget and young professionals – educated – US Marketing channels: Social networks (Facebook and adwords) Media and popular travel blogs (e.g. New York Times) Website and blog Travel companies Budget for YR1 is around $60k for 120,000 users base acquisition Pics of US tourist
THE TEAM Ariel Berger, our Hacker & Doer – CEO Recognized industrial engineer Serving in senior roles in past 8 years Held various roles as operational manager before joining Travelony Natalie Edwards, our Social Beast - CMO Expert in communication strategy Highly experienced in digital and social media Worked as a Market Researcher and Research Coordinator Ilan Ifergan, the Enthusiast Worked as project manager, technical consultant and sales force trainer Extensive entrepreneurial experience Holds a MEng from the French Petroleum Institute Leonard Pader, our rational thinker – CFO Worked in senior positions as Data and Business Analyst before joining Travelony Holds a BA in Economics from Brandeis University Maya Zimmerman, our creative part - Design Worked closely with customers of web apps and understands their needs Experienced in marketing and GUI design Held positions as marketing specialist and QA
OUR INITIAL MARKET – U.S. 60 million US tourists each year 20% aged million Target Market
CUSTOMER AND REVENUE GROWTH Year12345 Market share 1%2%4%6%10% No. of users 120,000240,000480,000720,0001,200,000 Avg. $ per user $2$3$4 $5 $240K $720K $1.9M $2.9M $6.0M Annual Revenue
FUNDING Salaries $150,000 App development $20,000 Audio tours by professional tour guides (100 tours x $200 per tour) $20,000 Online marketing (120,000 users in year 1) $60,000 Miscellaneous costs $20,000 Total funding required $270,000 Our goal is to be self- sustaining after the 1 st year
Backpackers, aged , low income, international travel, would like to see the local scene, want flexible itinerary Active adults, aged , traveling without children, looking for information about the destination sites Quality community Trustable / reliable content Independent and objective Easy-to-consume travel content on location Independence and convenience for travelers Learn about a place from locals Low-cost/free tours Overcoming tourists’ lack of information Information available on smartphone HIGH QUALITY CONTENT Urban professionals, 20s and 30s, travel 2x per year, know the destination but not the details Website & social networks App stores WOM Travel websites or agencies Website & social networks App stores WOM Travel websites or agencies Developer (web, app) Marketing genius investor Contributors Recording software Apple, Samsung, Android (phone makers) iTunes Outsourced developers Ecommerce platform Tourism agencies Tour guides/companies Travel websites, forums, and blogs Audio and podcast sites Social Media sites Encourage amateurs/pros to upload tours Encourage user ratings Highlight and expand geo coverage Increase tours and customer base Improve customer experience Website & app development (design/ programming) Content acquisition (tour guides, travel agencies) Ongoing updates, innovation & maintenance Customer acquisition costs (marketing) Share of revenue (from purchase of tours) Location based ads Business clients (The citi bank tour) PROFESSIONAL PROFESSIONAL GUIDES PROFESSIONAL UPDATED CANVAS