The landscape of the Congo Erik Eitzman Sarah Johnson.


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Presentation transcript:

The landscape of the Congo Erik Eitzman Sarah Johnson

The Congo Rainforest occupies much of the western portion of the Congo. The rainforest is fed by the Congo River, the ninth longest in the world. Over 10,000 different animal species and 600 plant species call the Congolese rainforest their home. The central basin of the Congo is covered in rainforests. Plateaus and savannahs cover the southern part of the region. To the west of the forests are large, snowy mountains To the east is the Ruwenzori Mountain Range that acts as a border between DRC, Rwanda and Uganda

Sources c/318863/Kinshasa/9038/Landscapehttp:// c/318863/Kinshasa/9038/Landscape -world-factbook/geos/cg.htmlhttps:// -world-factbook/geos/cg.html