M. Brooks April ‘00 Core Week Muon Tracking Status Mechanics Chamber Building Magnet Mods Installation Plans Schedule FEE Preparations for octant test Recent FEE Review Status of mechanical structures Schedule
M. Brooks April ‘00 Core Week Mechanics Status--Station 1 All chambers completed (some time ago) Expect to ship to BNL in May in preparation for installation Mechanical support structures on order Added tasks: All testing of Cathode Preamp Chips Design, prototyping, production of LV distribution system Presentation for upcoming FEE safety review Doug Fields Nicki Bruner Bernd Bassalleck Benji Lewis R. Fraga D. Koehler Tim Thomas John Behrendt
M. Brooks April ‘00 Core Week Mechanics Status--Station 2 All chambers completed Still undergoing various performance, leak tests Associated support structure under construction Dave Lee Rusty Towell Walter Sondheim Myung-Shin Chung Val Armijo Benny Montoya Greg Hart Matt Shaw Chris Kuberg Ray Savino Bill Sandhoff Korea Univ. WooYoung Jang MinJung Kweon Christos Velissaris
M. Brooks April ‘00 Core Week Mechanics Status--Station 3 Last assembly shipped from NMSU 5-Apr-00 Expect last chamber to be complete next week Still undergoing various performance, leak tests Dave Lee Rusty Towell Walter Sondheim Greg Hart Matt Shaw Chris Kuberg Ray Savino Bill Sandhoff Korea WooYoung Jang MinJung Kweon Steve Pate Christos Velissaris Vassili Papavassiliou Gary Kyle
M. Brooks April ‘00 Core Week Mechanics Status--Turning the muon magnet into Swiss Cheese Mounting holes required at: Station 1 teacup rib Station 2 rib Station 2, piston Backplate Reconfiguration of piston support fins For: Chamber mounting FEE Mounting Eyebrow mounting Scaffolding Expect holes, excluding scaffolding and eyebrow to be complete this week or next Expect all drilling to be completed first or second week of May Fins completed
M. Brooks April ‘00 Core Week Mechanics Status--Installation Plans Integration Meeting to discuss installation and alignment plans Installation scaffolding expected to be completed and shipped from NMSU May 1 Lifting fixtures in process Station 2 mounting fixture (“spider”) being built Installation Schedule: Install spider6/8 Install St. 36/15 Install St. 26/27 Install St. 17/7 Install Align.7/13 Trial fit Buss7/20 READY for FEE7/26
M. Brooks April ‘00 Core Week FEE--Octant Test Work September TAC recommended larger-scale test of FEE system before full production-- ergo, we now have an “octant test” LV Cal Pulse Dick Mischke Ming Liu Melynda Brooks Pat McGaughey Mike Leitch Maureen Cafferty Scott Robinson Glenn Thornton Manny Echave Jake Archuleta Bernie Archuleta Greg Hart Andrew Hoover Greg Moran, Steve Pate Jack Fried
M. Brooks April ‘00 Core Week FEE--Octant Test Work St. 2 Production Chamber 6 readout planes 960 channels 4 chassis, fully populated 8 Control Boards 16 Cathode Readout Cards 12 channels of HV, dist. system 10 channels of LV, dist. system
M. Brooks April ‘00 Core Week FEE--Octant Test Work Mechanical Structures: Chassis and cross-rib assemblies delivered to BNL some time ago. Assembly mostly complete, by Andrew, some plumbing still needs to be received. Board Status: First control board (3rd round) received (LANL) and checked out o.k.; Full order placed. First Readout Card (3rd round) expected this week; full order will follow Noise specs already achieved on large fraction of the channels; this latest version should have layout fixes required to meet specs on all channels Backplanes expected 17-April HV Initial hookup complete Will switch to latest version of distribution system over the next couple of weeks LV Distribution system design completed by LANL/UNM First production board expected this month, also real LV supplies DAQ Hookup to GTM, DCM, associated software completed by Ming, Jamie, Mickey ARCNet: Preamp, AMU/ADC, FPGA downloads available (Andrew). Also, board monitoring (T, I, V) Calibration System Already had gone through few rounds (Pat and Mike); final or nearly final system expected available for octant test
M. Brooks April ‘00 Core Week FEE--Other Work Ancillary Systems: Full review of system completed by Steve Pate, Andrew Hoover. Orders of necessary VME modules begun Mechanics NMSU, Jake and LANL) In-magnet mechanical structures to nearly complete Eyebrow (platform for racks) completed UNM: Preamp testing nearly complete, LV distribution sent out, much work for FEE safety review completed by Nicki FPGA: Download via ARCNet worked on by Andrew, full production FPGA code worked on by Jack Fried Rack Layout completed, cable layout begun (Jan B.)
M. Brooks April ‘00 Core Week FEE--Schedule Order full set of production partsO.K. given 5-April following FEE review Octant test completemid-May Order production boardsMay-Aug. (may be shorter) Install Mech. Support StructureAug. 2 Install Platform and RacksAug. 9 Test boardsAug Assemble chassis, CRAsAug-Nov Install chassis, CRAsAug-Nov FEE Installation completeNov. 10 Activities to follow FEE Installation: Roll-in Connections to counting house, plumbing, etc. Replacement of beam pipe Installation of “collar” Installation of Magnet Buss Central arm work