Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory This work performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.


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Presentation transcript:

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory This work performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under Contract DE-AC52- 07NA FEE and NEH XTOD Controls Installation Readiness Review November 7, 2008 Steve Lewis, Bill Abraham, Ron Shaw, Dave Kasimatis, Jim Greer, Jim Atkins Performance Measures x.x, x.x, and x.x This work performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under Contract DE-AC52- 07NA27344.

2 Option:UCRL# Option:Directorate/Department Additional Information FEE - NEH Controls installation sequence Racks active to subsystems shown are highlighted. Triple Bay ( Alcove ) BL Instr. racks Triple Bay ( Alcove )

3 Option:UCRL# Option:Directorate/Department Additional Information Subsystems  Fixed Mask, X-Ray Slit  K-Measurement Monochromator  Gas Detector/Solid-Gas Attenuator  Total Energy  Direct Imager  Off-Set Mirrors and Pop-up’s  NEH Hutches 1,2 Vacuum FEE INSTALLATION PHASE 1 FEE-NEH INSTALLATION PHASE 2

4 Option:UCRL# Option:Directorate/Department Additional Information FEE - Installation Phase 1

5 Option:UCRL# Option:Directorate/Department Additional Information FEE – NEH Installation Phase 2

6 Option:UCRL# Option:Directorate/Department Additional Information Subsystems  Fixed Mask, X-Ray Slit A  K-Measurement Monochromator B  Gas Detector/Solid-Gas Attenuator A  Total Energy A  Direct Imager A  Off-Set Mirrors and Pop-up’s C  NEH Hutches 1,2 vacuum C FEE PHASE 1 FEE – NEH PHASE 2 CONTROLS READINESS

7 Option:UCRL# Option:Directorate/Department Additional Information Readiness Table ACTIVITY LEVEL A LEVEL B LEVEL C Electrical / Electronic Design √√ √ partial doc’s Procurement √√√ partial Assemblies Installed in Racks √√ ○ Cable requirements to Plant (Ponce) √ cable ph 5 √ cable Ph 6 AC Power Requirements to CF (Lori - Khalid) including FEE PPS. Installation plans in BIO (Bldg. Insp. Office) for review. √ power ph 1 √ power ph 2 Safety Integration (NRTL, AHJ, Elect., Radiation, Seismic,… ) √ ○○ CONTROLS READINESS Integration at LLNL by rack Ship Date √ ○ ○

8 Option:UCRL# Option:Directorate/Department Additional Information Instrument Racks under test in lab (on stands, w/doors removed). Ship first week of Jan 09 (FEE Phase 1)

9 Option:UCRL# Option:Directorate/Department Additional Information Triple bay Vacuum rack under test in lab. Ship first week of Jan 09 (FEE Phase 1)

10 Option:UCRL# Option:Directorate/Department Additional Information Triple bay Vacuum rack-rear view showing I/O (w/panels removed). (FEE Phase 1)

11 Option:UCRL# Option:Directorate/Department Additional Information OMS Instrumentation and Beam line Vacuum Racks Loading now. Ship mid-Feb 09 (FEE Phase 2)

12 Option:UCRL# Option:Directorate/Department Additional Information Facility Integration  Cable Plant Phase 5 FEE install……………complete (Ponce)  Cable Plant Phase 6 OMS prep …CAPTAR encoding (Misaki)  FEE ac power for Phase 1&2 loads……in BIO review (Khalid)  MPS requirements…… Mike Przybylski  Controls documentation available electronically. Hardcopy workbook on table for viewing.

13 Option:UCRL# Option:Directorate/Department Additional Information Safety  Controls hardware is NRTL certified or AHJ inspected by LLNL prior to ship date.  Integrated Work Safety (IWS’) documents from LLNL are applicable to LCLS ISM ‘work basis’ for work to be performed during FEE controls installation.  Safety oversight occurs when Conv. Facilities submits vendor (MTH Engineers, Inc) electrical plans to the Bldg. Inspection Office for approval. Reviewers include Electrical, Radiation, Seismic, Environmental, Waste, and others.