An Introduction to Practice Development
Magical History Tour of PD 1980s Nursing Development Unit Burford, Oxford 1990s PD Units PD hospital roles Evidence based practice PARIHS framework 2000s Concept analysis PD methods International development 2010s Continued conceptual development Increased international activity
The Pleasures of Knitting Research into practice Evidence-based practice Service/practice/ quality improvement Experience based design Practice development
Facilitation Purpose Role Skills and attributes Evidence Research Clinical experience Patient experience Context Culture Leadership Evaluation Promoting Action on Research Implementation in Health Services (PARIHS) Framework
Evidence (research, clinical experience and patient experience) is well conceived, designed and executed and there is consensus about it The context in which the evidence is being implemented is characterised by clarity of roles, decentralised decision making, transformational leadership and a reliance on multiple sources of information on performance Facilitation mechanisms appropriate to the needs of the situation have been instigated Rycroft-Malone et al. (2002) Strong Elements
“… the transformation of practice understands that changing practices is not just a matter of changing the ideas of individual practitioners alone, but also discovering, analysing and transforming the social, cultural, discursive and material conditions under which their practice occurs …” (Kemmis, 2005)
Critical Social Theory In the context of health and social care practice, critical social theory is about: explaining and understanding the ways in which care is practiced and experienced helping us to critique why we do what we do exploring the barriers and the power issues that prevent us from providing person-centred care helping us to see what is possible and enabling us to do things differently
Definition of Practice Development A continuous journey of developing and innovating in care settings, so that patients, residents, families and the team engage with each other in person-centred ways. This engagement is brought about by teams developing their knowledge and skills and changing the culture and organisation of care. It is helped by the team working with systematic and continuous processes of development and evaluation that involve and include the views, experiences and needs of patients, residents, families, the team and others. Adapted from Garbett and McCormack (2002) by Dewing, McCormack and Titchen (2014)
Practice Development Adapted from Garbett and McCormack (2002) by Dewing, McCormack and Titchen (2014)
Service Improvement or Practice Development: A Continuum
Commitment and Values Underpinning Practice Development Person-centred care Collaboration and partnership Enabling facilitation and support Active learning and development Transforming workplace culture Evaluation
Time for questions and reflection