Strategy Posters – Reading & Writing Olympic View Elementary Fall 2009
Sent in by a 1 st grade parent Hi __, __ might be embarrassed if she knew I told you, so I'm telling you this in confidence ;-). This weekend, __ played "teacher" for hours, setting up her easel in front of her dolls, clipping paper to it, and instructing them on reading, writing, math, and science. When she was done, I found these handwritten instructions that she had made all by herself as part of her instruction. I thought you might get a kick out of seeing them since they must echo what you're saying in class, so I scanned them for you to see. __ __'s mom
What Good Readers Do Read to self Point to the words Check the pictures when you come to a tricky word Get your mouth ready to say the beginning sound when you come to a tricky word Reading is thinking! Pay attention to what is happening in the story
What Good Writers Do They sound out words They reread what they wrote Use pictures & show action Don’t write “and then…and then…” They use periods. You have to remember to do these things when you write.