Dutchtown High School Announcements
Juniors/seniors We are excited to announce that the Prom will be held on Saturday, May 7, 2016 at Ventanas! Ticket pre-sales are $80. The price will go up to $100 in November and $120 in January. Ticket sales will end March 1, 2016!!! To purchase a ticket, see Mrs. Lawson in the Counseling Office before/after school and during lunch.
The ASVAB Exam The ASVAB Exam will be given on Tuesday, October 6,, 2015. 10th-12th Grade students may sign up in the counseling office. Friday, October 2, 2015 is the deadline for sign up. questions can be directed to Mr. Westry in the counseling office.
International Literacy Day In celebration of International Literacy Day, Dutchtown will sponsor a Book drive September 8th-30th. Please donate new or gently used books for all ages. The homeroom that has the most books will win a pizza party.
Students Driving to Work Students driving to school must purchase a parking pass from the front office. Daily passes are available for $2.00. Semester $25.00. Full year $50.00. Cash, check or money order are accepted. Cars with no passes will be towed at owners expense. Please do not park in others parking space, or your car will be towed at owners expense.
Book club: #Dutchtown readers #Dutchtown Readers will meet Mondays during Club Day. See M. Daniels of passes to the meeting.
Girl Up Girl up will have an informational meeting in room 331 on September 9th after school
Senior T-shirts Senior t-shirts are officially on sale from September 3rd – September 31st! They will be sold during lunch, before and after school in Mrs. Davidson’s room or Mrs. Jones’ room for $10. cash only! These shirts are mandatory.
Peer Mediators Please turn in applications to Mrs. Williams for the Atlanta brave s game on September 10th. Dues are due October 14th.
Alcorn University college tour Alcorn State University in Loren, Mississippi is sponsoring a college tour September 26,-27, 2015. cost is $100 which includes bus transportation, hotel, food, game ticket. For information, contact Mr. Westry in the counseling office.
university of Georgia College Tour A university of Georgia college tour will be held on October 1, 2015. The cost is $35.00 which includes lunch. Payment and completed permission forms are given to Mr. Westry in the counseling office and must be brought together for a roster spot. Permission forms are in the counseling office and must be returned by Tuesday, September 29, 2015. 50 slots for 12th, 11th, 10th grade students.
3 0n 3 tournament The 3 on 3 Tournament is coming! Get your team together! See Coach Stafford for information.
Lady bulldog softball Please come out to support the lady bulldogs softball team as they take on Stockbridge at home September 8th Thank you for support!
Bulldog football Bulldogs were victorious against Lovejoy High School, 20-12. the offense was very explosive and the defense played, lights out. This was a great win for the Dutchtown family. Lets keep the momentum going by showing up to our first region game at Starrs Mill High School. The Dutchtown family was big for the team at lovejoy. So let’s show up and show out and support these mighty Dogs of Dutchtown! Goooooooooo Dogs!
Dutchtown Athletics All Sports Pass The All Sports Passes are here! The All Sports pass allows entry to all school athletic events, as well as all school wide events. Never pay again for a pep rally, school dance, football game, basket ball game, baseball game, teacher vs. student basketball game, or even events like the powder puff game in the spring. This pass does it all! See coach Senter for your card