TSA FOR CROATIA Croatia’s up to date experiences and future plans institut za turizam institute for tourism Neven Ivandić, Institute for Tourism Zrinka Marušić, Institute for Tourism REPUBLIC OF CROATIA Ministry of sea, tourism, transport and development CEI COOPERATION ACTIVITY Dolenjske Toplice, 17 th – 18 th October, 2007
17 th – 18 th October, Neven Ivandić, Zrinka Marušić Content Highlights of Croatian Tourism Goals of Implementing TSA in Croatia Approach to TSA Development Outcomes of TSA Feasibility Study for Croatia: –Diagnosis of System of Tourism Statistics –Scenario of TSA Development –Action Plan Current State of TSA Development Open Questions
17 th – 18 th October, Neven Ivandić, Zrinka Marušić Highlights of Croatian Tourism million arrivals in statistically registered accommodation facilities 53 million overnights in statistically registered accommodation facilities; –96% overnights on the Adriatic coast –89% overnights by foreign tourists 200 thousand beds in hotels and similar; 400 thousand in camps; 400 thousand in households/private accommodation 50 marinas with more than 15 thousand moorings (mainly for tourism purpose) 4% compound annual growth rate in period
17 th – 18 th October, Neven Ivandić, Zrinka Marušić Foreign passengers, cross border traffic; 2005, in million (CBS) Structure of foreign passengers, border survey; 2005, in % (CNB) Inbound tourism consumption by type of accommodation; in million EUR (CNB) Highlights of Croatian Tourism Domestic and outbound tourism consumption; 2004 (IT, survey on tourism activity of Croatian citizens)
17 th – 18 th October, Neven Ivandić, Zrinka Marušić Highlights of Croatian Tourism Inbound tourism consumption 5,6 billion EUR in 2004, and 6,1 billion EUR in 2005 Domestic tourism consumption (15+ citizens) 1,4 billion EUR in 2004 Outbound tourism consumption (15+ citizens) 0,8 billion EUR in 2004 Internal tourism consumption 7 billion EUR in 2004, approximately 7,5 billion EUR in 2005 Unofficial economy in tourism is not estimated yet Unofficial economy in Hotel and restaurant sector in 2004 is estimated at approximately 35% of registered activity within the sector (CBS)
17 th – 18 th October, Neven Ivandić, Zrinka Marušić Goals of TSA implementation Thorough analysis of tourism activity Monitoring of monetary indicators Determining inter-sectoral relationships of tourism Evaluating the importance of tourism Tourism policy formulation
17 th – 18 th October, Neven Ivandić, Zrinka Marušić Approach to TSA development Basic methodological framework: –Tourism Satellite Account: Recommended Methodological Framework; OECD, European Commission, United Nations, World Tourism Organization (2001) –European Implementation Manual on Tourism Satellite Accounts; EUROSTAT (final draft, 2002) –New developments Principles: –Inter-institutional but also inter-sectoral cooperation –Flexibility in usage of data and data-sources –Step by step approach
17 th – 18 th October, Neven Ivandić, Zrinka Marušić Inter-institutional cooperation Key success factor Inauguration of Inter-institutional committee for TSA development process which consists of representatives from: –Ministry of Sea, Tourism, Transport and Development –Croatian National Bank –Central Bureau of Statistics –Institute for Tourism Institute for tourism in charge for developing feasibility study and experimental TSA Institute for tourism has formed inter-institutional and multi-discipline technical team for development of TSA. The team consists of the representatives from: –Institute for Tourism –Ministry of Sea, Tourism, Transport and Development –Central Bureau of Statistics –Croatian National Bank –Economic Institute Zagreb –UNWTO expert
17 th – 18 th October, Neven Ivandić, Zrinka Marušić Inter-institutional team Tourism activity in Croatia Description and diagnosis of tourism statistics Tourism products and activities Analysis of possible scenarios for TSA development Inter-institutional committee for TSA development process Selection of optimal scenario Development of Action Plan Experimental TSA Feasibility study approach
17 th – 18 th October, Neven Ivandić, Zrinka Marušić Outcomes of Feasibility Study Diagnosis of tourism statistics System of tourism statistics (STS) not fully compliant with TSA methodological framework The main shortcomings of STS from TSA perspective: –absence of some of the required data (domestic tourism, structural statistics of important sectors), –inappropriate methodology of some surveys (inbound tourism) –partly non-updated data (I-O tables) STS, with appropriate adjustments, provides basis for development of experimental and provisional TSA in short term Development of I-O tables is one of the main prerequisite for final TSA tables
17 th – 18 th October, Neven Ivandić, Zrinka Marušić Outcomes of Feasibility Study Required improvements of STS: Establishing new research/surveys: –Domestic and outbound tourism demand and consumption –Survey of travel agencies and main passenger transport providers (Croatia Airlines, Jadrolinija, Croatian Railway) Adjustment of existing surveys: –Inbound tourism consumption: (1) solving the problem of total population and (2) adjustment of questionnaire from TSA perspective Updating of existing research/surveys: –Development of I-O tables on more detailed level
17 th – 18 th October, Neven Ivandić, Zrinka Marušić Scenario for TSA development Scenario A: Development of Experimental TSA Tables Existing data sources New surveys: Domestic and outbound demand and consumption Survey of few travel agencies and the most important passengers’ transport providers Adjustment: Existing information from National Accounts Scenario B: Development of Provisional TSA Tables Existing data sources including surveys under scenario A New surveys: Survey of travel agencies and passengers’ transport providers Adjustment: Inbound tourism consumption Existing information from National Accounts Scenario C: Development of Final/Optimal TSA Tables Existing data sources including surveys under scenario A and B New surveys: I-O tables Scenario D: Development of Full set of TSA Tables Existing data sources including surveys under scenario A, B and C New surveys: Tourism ratio by sectors Employment, investment and collective consumption
17 th – 18 th October, Neven Ivandić, Zrinka Marušić Action plan Scenario A: Development of Experimental TSA Tables 2007Tables for 2005 Tables: 1, 2, 4, 5&6 Scenario B: Development of Provisional TSA Tables 2008Tables for 2006/2007 Tables: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10 Scenario C: Development of Final/Optimal TSA Tables 2009 – 2010 and further on Periodical production in two-year interval Tables: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10 Scenario D: Development of Full set of TSA Tables Not in foreseen period All tables
17 th – 18 th October, Neven Ivandić, Zrinka Marušić Current State of TSA Development Work on Experimental TSA tables started Two new surveys have been conducted: –Domestic and outbound demand and consumption –Survey of few travel agencies and the most important passengers’ transport providers Joint work on Tables 5&6 between Institute for Tourism and CBS – National Accounts Joint work with UNWTO expert Results expected by March 2008
17 th – 18 th October, Neven Ivandić, Zrinka Marušić Open questions Unofficial economy within TSA methodological framework: –Linking demand data (survey of visitors; non-registered flows included) and supply data (survey of tourism services providers; not all activities reported) Nautical tourism within TSA methodological framework: –Character of accommodation services in nautical tourism, i.e. costs of mooring in marinas and renting costs as well as tourism flows related to overnights out of marinas and ports
17 th – 18 th October, Neven Ivandić, Zrinka Marušić Thank your for your attention!