Spinal Cord Injury Robel Tecle 3rd period
Names Common name: Spinal Cord Injury Scientific name: Tetraplegia, Paraplegia
Causes of spinal cord injury -A spinal cord injury is caused by a traumatic blow to (or penetration of) the spine that fractures or dislocates the vertebrae. - Falls, violence, sports
Target Population - Vehicular crashes are the leading cause of SCI for people under the age of Other people at risk include football players, bikers, and skaters.
Affects CNS - The CNS is made up of the brain and spinal cord. The spinal cord is made up of nerve fibers called axons which gets all of information from the brain to the rest of the body. If these axons become destroyed then you will suffer from paralysis and your brain won't be like it used to.
Affect PNS - The PNS is a network of nerves throughout the body that handles everything from regulating the heart to flexing your hand. After a spinal cord injury the nerves of the Peripheral nervous system regenerates.Limits somatic movement but not autonomic movement.
Symptoms Extreme back pain or pressure in your neck,head or back. Weakness, incoordination or paralysis in any part of your body Breathing Problems Blood Clots Pressure sores pneumonia
Symptoms - Loss of movement - Changes in sexual function - Loss of bowel and bladder control
Prognosis Determining the prognosis depends on where it took place and how severe it was. -Complete injuries will result in total loss of movement and sensation below the point of injury -Incomplete injuries will result in some degree of loss of movement below the point of injury. - Injury levels are classified as neck, c1 to c4, c5, c6,c7, t1, t1 to t8, and t9 to t12.
Cures and treatments - There are no cures for complete spinal cord injuries. -Scientists are optimistic that with advances in research they will eventually find a cure. - Treatment occurs as soon you get to the ER while to doctors work to prevent further damage. - Doctors treat small spinal cord injuries with surgery to get rid of fluid and tissue from the spinal cord
Cures and treatments... -Physical therapy geared toward muscle strengthening, communication and mobility.
Notable Cases Christopher Reeve (superman): Famous actor, producer, screenwriter. Got thrown off a horse during in an equestrian competition. C1 and below.
Notable Case Eric Legrand: Former defensive tackle for Rutgers University. Became paralyzed from neck down trying to make a tackle. Year later he felt sensation throughout the body.
Organizations The National Spinal Cord Injury Association: founded in 1948 to improve the lives of all paralyzed Americans. Connect with people all around the world. For people that are focused in regaining their independence and improving their quality life.
Works Cited Mayoclinic. (n.d.). Retrieved from spinal-cord-injury nichd. (2012, November 30). Retrieved March 5, 2013, from injury