2009 Greenhouse Gas Inventory The American College and University President’s Climate Commitment
What is Sustainability? Living, working and learning in an environment that we commit to maintain and improve for future generations. President Erickson’s Vision “Hocking College will become a recognized leader among institutions of higher learning through its consideration and inclusion of sustainable practices and principles. This commitment will be readily evident throughout the institution's curricular and co-curricular offerings, its business and financial practices, and its physical plant operations,” Dr. Ron Erickson, President.
Goals The sustainability goals of Hocking College are aligned with the seven tangible actions of the American College and University President’s Climate Commitment: 1. Establish a policy that all new campus construction will be built to at least the U.S. Green Building Council's LEED Silver standard or equivalent. 2.Adopt an energy-efficient appliance purchasing policy requiring purchase of ENERGY STAR certified products in all areas for which such ratings exist. 3. Establish a policy of offsetting all greenhouse gas emissions generated by air travel paid for by our institution. 4. Encourage use of and provide access to public transportation for all faculty, staff, students and visitors at our institution. 5. Within one year of signing this document, begin purchasing or producing at least 15% of our institution's electricity consumption from renewable sources. 6. Establish a policy or a committee that supports climate and sustainability shareholder proposals at companies where our institution's endowment is invested. 7. Participate in the Waste Minimization component of the national RecycleMania competition, and adopt 3 or more associated measures to reduce waste.
Scope 1 Direct Emission Sources Natural Gas 208, 298 Kbtu or 208 MMbtu HC gas consumption was based on the amount of gas purchased (169 MMbtu) and the amount produced from HC wells (39 MMbtu). On- campus gas meters were off significantly producing unreliable data. This issue will be resolved in Campus Fleet Gasoline = 19, 780 Gallons Diesel = 13, 237 Gallons Scope 2 Emission Sources Purchased Electricity 10, 126, 656 Kwh
Scope 3 Emission Sources Faculty and Staff Commuting Total of 558 employees commuted 15, 960 miles a day roundtrip. The employee count consisted of 216 faculty and 342 staff. Faculty worked an average of 173 days a year. Totaled 1, 076, 821 miles and 48, 725 gallons of gasoline consumed. Staff worked an average of 260 days a year. Totaled 2, 531, 256 miles and 114, 536 gallons of gasoline consumed. Total = 3, 608, 077 miles traveled and 163, 261 gallons of gasoline consumed.
Student Commuting FY 2009 total number of students Fall 2008 numbers used to avoid duplicate counting Full time = 4, 092 students Part time = 1, 589 students Summer 2009 data used for summer enrollment = 2, students were polled online with SurveyMonkey.com and through in-person interviews. This resulted in the following student averages: 8 trips to campus a week. Traveled to campus 35 weeks a year. Traveled an average of 21 miles to campus (one way). The enrollment data was multiplied with the averages yielding the following: 27, 870, 641 miles driven by students. 1, 261, 115 gallons of gasoline consumed by students.
Faculty and Staff Air Travel 83, 091 miles travelled for FY Study Abroad Travel 368, 558 miles travelled for FY Solid Waste Average weekly tonage (calculated in the first week of December 2009) Trash = 4.8 tons per week Recycling = 1.1 tons per week Yearly total of weeks was estimated at 44 weeks. 2 weeks excluded for winter break and only half of the summer weeks were used resulting in 6 additional weeks excluded. Total Annual trash = tons Total Annual recycling = 48.4 tons
Paper use 25% recycled paper used = 11, 435 lbs. 100% recycled paper used = 27, 120 lbs Unrecycled paper used = 87, 698 lbs. Totals = 19, 758 reams of paper at a cost of $97, 762 at a combined weight of 126, 252 lbs for FY 2009.
Summary of all 3 Scopes Scope 1 Emissions = MT CO2e Natural gas for heating main and Perry campuses Campus Fleet Scope 2 Emissions = 6, MT CO2e Purchased Electricity Scope 3 Emissions = 13, MT CO2e Faculty, Staff and Student Commuting Air Travel Solid Waste Paper Use Wastewater TOTAL for FY 2009 = 19, MT CO2e
College Comparisons InstitutionMT CO2e Cincinnati State Technical and Community College22, 324 Columbus State Community College62, 462 Lorain County Community College37, 300 Mesa Community College32, 648 Cabrillo College9, 332 Haywood Community College7, 081 Washtenaw Community College27, 804 Ohio University221, 606 The Ohio State University642, 592 Hocking College19, 988.4
Conclusions 1.This is Hocking College’s first baseline report that will be strengthened in the future as better methods to measure data and an increased data pool are implemented. 1.The numerous Energy Conservation Measures (ECM) that HC has started to implement will have a positive effect on reducing scope 2 emissions. 2.Commuting is the bulk of scope 3 emissions accounting for 61% of total emissions. This can be reduced by encouraging employee carpooling, offering new creative options for students to get to campus, more efficient course scheduling, increasing online education and more. 1.Nevertheless, despite best efforts to curtail commuting, it’s unlikely the institution will be able to neutralize commuting emissions due to the nature and location of Hocking College. The College will have to consider other means such as carbon sinks to lower emissions.