NetSLab Based Remote Hybrid Testing in A Hierarchical Network Environment Yu-rong Guo 1, Yan Xiao 2 and Qing Hu 3 Fourth NEES Annual Meeting Washington DC June 21-23, Hunan University, China 2. 2.University of Southern California 3. 3.FutureNet Corporation, Monrovia, California
Outline 1. Intrduction 2. NetSLab (Networked Structural Laboratories) development 3. Application of NetSLab 4. Concluding remarks
1. Introduction Collaborative research/test NEES (Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation, USA) ISEE (Internet-based Simulation for Earthquake Engineering, Taiwan) E-Defence (Japan) KOCED (Korea Construction Engineering Development program, Korea) BLADE (Bristol Laboratory for Advanced Dynamic Engineering,UK) ELSA (The European Laboratory for Structural Assessment)
NetSLab (Networked Structural Laboratories) Hunan University Tsinghua University Harbin Institute of Technology National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) Other institutes
Internet Lab #1 Lab #2 Lab #3 NetSLab Communication platform Application development
Hierarchical Network Environment Internet LAN Direct point-to-point connection Public IP
CERNET (China Education and Research Network) National Network Center Regional Network Centers Provincial Network Centers City Network Center
2. NetSLab (Networked Structural Laboratories ) Development 2.1 Basic Features of NetSLab Client/Server concept Socket based communication mechanism Generalized data model Testing results Three types of participants Communication protocols
Controller Tester Observer Testing results Observer Three types of participants
Controller Tester1Tester2Tester3 Controller Tester1 Tester2Tester3 Controller Tester1Tester2Tester3 Centralized sequential communication protocol Centralized parallel communication protocol Distributed parallel communication protocol Communication protocols
2.2 Implementation of NetSLab Dynamic Unified Data Packet (DUDP) …(1)Control information …(2)Testing data
Generalized Data Communication Agency (GDCA) Controller Tester1 Tester2 GDCA DUDP GDCA
GDCA interface: ActiveX control GDCA: Design and maintenance
2.3 Across firewall/proxy communication Simulation of global structure Controller PC Public IP Internet LAN Firewall Test of substructure Physical Tester LAN Simulation of substructure Virtual Tester Loading facilities Private IP Tester PC #1Tester PC #2 Firewall Port 80
Communication Server PC Public IP Internet LAN Firewall Test of substructure Physical Tester LAN Simulation of substructure Virtual Tester Loading facilities Private IP Tester PC #1Tester PC #2 Firewall Port 80 Simulation of global structure Controller PC Private IP LAN
3. Application of NetSLab for Remote hybrid Dynamic Testing 3.1 Testing program development
Main interface of testing program
3.2 Actual testing using NetSLab
3.3 Communication efficiency T – Average time spent on Internet communication for a round trip data transfer between two computers T =0.025~0.03s within University of Southern California(USC) T = 0.3s between the Hunan University (HNU) and USC T =0.55~0.6s between HNU and Los Angeles using dialup connection
4. Concluding Remarks A network communication platform (NetSLab) was developed for remote hybrid dynamic testing of structures, which provides relatively easier and friendlier interface for application development and across multi-level proxy and firewall communication capability. The adequacy and efficiency of the NetSLab platform was validated by several remote virtual and actual tests at and between two universities in the US and China.
Acknowledgments The authors would like to express their appreciations to the support of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) under the National Key Project (Grant No ); FutureNet Technologies Corporation, Monrovia, California, USA and its China subsidiary division provided supports under an agreement for joint development, academic promotion and applications.
Hunan University
USC/Waterloo,Canada T=0.11s
USC/Shuzhou,China T=0.23s