Recycling Factory Design Project Due January 30, 2012
Project Objective Design a recycling factory that will sort the “ZeroSort” recycling mix that comes into the factory. You must do the sorting to isolate the following materials into separate bins – Soda cans (Al) – Tin cans(Fe) – Plastics separated by recycling number – Paper separated into white paper; Newspaper; cardboard
Tin (Fe) Soda (Al) Plastic 4 (LDPE) Plastic 6 (PS) Plastic 5 (PP) Plastic 1 (PETE) Plastic 3 (PVC) Plastic 2 (HDPE) Paper (White) Paper (Card board) Paper (News paper ) Metal Paper Plastic Unsorted Recycling IN
Examples of the Sorted Output Al Cans HDPE Cardboard Recycled Paper coming out of Pulp Factory
Use Mostly Automation
Minimize the number of factory workers
Present Your Proposal to “Angel Investment Firms”