Bernard Monot External Affairs Director AREVA TN International Industry Perspectives with Communication to the Public and Stakeholders
LOGISTIQUE IAEA Internat. Conference Safety Security 10/11- p.2 Transports Background between Europe and Japan Fourteen shipments of HLW ( High Level Wastes) to Japan Four MOX Shipments to Japan Three maritime routes have been used Panama Canal Cape of Good Hope Horn Cape Misinformation from opponents On Going expressions of concerns of Coastal States and Regional Organizations Continuous implementation of GA Activities based on transparency and dialogue Factual information, confidence building, contact making is something you do by calm weather, not in a storm
LOGISTIQUE IAEA Internat. Conference Safety Security 10/11- p.3 Global Acceptance activities The main principles To inform Authorities of the Coastal States on these shipments: organization, safety, regulations, liabilities… To answer to official and media concerns To develop a common ability to work together :Authorities and industries, with the support of our diplomats To develop specific Public Relation tools A large effort done by shipping states and industry in a long term relationship trough information missions
LOGISTIQUE IAEA Internat. Conference Safety Security 10/11- p.4 Information missions These missions can take place All year long At the time of departure At the time of passage Essential to keep the confidence even without on going transports
LOGISTIQUE IAEA Internat. Conference Safety Security 10/11- p.5 Information missions Diplomatic missions To inform our stakeholders ( authorities, Navy, coast guards…) To initiate a dialogue To exchange at the political level with the support of our diplomats Media missions To inform and correct misinformation To provide medias with detailed answers To be available for groups of interest, associations and education Simple, clear and consistent messages required
LOGISTIQUE IAEA Internat. Conference Safety Security 10/11- p.6 Other possible actions Visits of industrial facilities : many groups invited to our plants Visits of Ships South Africa : Cape Town and Durban April 1998 ( Visitors) Panama : Panamanian journalists on board/ Ship visits Japan : visit of the PIF Leaders Information Seminars Panama Maritime University 2005/2008 World Nuclear University 2007/2008/2009/2010 South American Academics Seminar 2009 Panama University of Technology 2011 To be as open as possible
LOGISTIQUE IAEA Internat. Conference Safety Security 10/11- p.7 Information contents Through information tools MOX File / HLW File MOX FACT Sheet/ HLW Fact Sheet MOX DVD HLW/ILW ( in preparation) Contents of information Material to be shipped Recycling process it results from Principle of Safety : Safety in depth Security Assessments Ships and casks used Transport Organization Implementation Phase : disclosure policy : dates, routes, ships… Documents available in English, Spanish and French
LOGISTIQUE IAEA Internat. Conference Safety Security 10/11- p.8 The results of our GA Policy Better understanding of the reality of our activities ( Safety, international regulations, liabilities… ) Development of a sustainable dialogue with many coastal states Improvement in attitudes of the more serious newspapers More of the Coastal States, IAEA, IMO… recognize the high quality of transports operations and appreciate our efforts for transparency and dialogue A long term process since 1995
LOGISTIQUE IAEA Internat. Conference Safety Security 10/11- p.9 Over 17 years of active Global Acceptance for sea transport New Zealand Salomon Islands Trinidad & Tobago Marshal Republic New Caledonia Fiji Uruguay Brasil More than 25 countries visited Contact made with most Coastal States and the main regional organisations Ecuador Peru
LOGISTIQUE IAEA Internat. Conference Safety Security 10/11- p.10 Global Acceptance and Coastal States The industry created the World Nuclear Transport Institute (WNTI), which, besides bringing the industry's views to the IAEA, IMO... regulatory process, invites foreign dignitaries to nuclear site visits Industry and their States provide mutual support in meetings with Coastal States in arenas such as IAEA, IMO or local fora ( Pacific Islands Forum, Caribbean Community…) A process under continuous improvement
LOGISTIQUE IAEA Internat. Conference Safety Security 10/11- p.11 What about the future ? Transports will continue for several years to come with a new generation of ships and casks We want to follow up, and diversify our efforts We need to maintain a close monitoring of the international community to improve our information and communication process based on the safety and security of our transports Maintaining widespread contacts for our mutual benefits
LOGISTIQUE IAEA Internat. Conference Safety Security 10/11- p.12 MERCI..THANK YOU..GRACIAS