1 – Check the activities that you can do to save the world 1 – Save water 2 – Cut trees 3 – Recycling 4 - Use polluting products 5 – Separate garbage
2 - Read the sentences below and write them under the right space - cut trees - love nature - don't pollute rivers - protect animals -set fire near the electricity - plant trees - collect recycling garbage - talk about the importance of nature - pollute the air Attitudes that save NATUREAttitudes that destroy NATURE - cut trees - set fire near the electricity - pollute the air - love nature - don't pollute rivers - protect animals - plant trees - collect recycling garbage -talk about the importance of nature
3 – You know the three R’s? Match the words and the meaning Reduce Reuse Recycle keep using the same things as many times as you can find new ways to use old things reduce the amount of things you buy and use and you will have less to throw away
Plastic bottle Aluminium can Glass bottle Cardboard Paper Steel can 4 -
5 – You know what we can recycle? Let’s play a game and learn about it!